Example sentences of "and indeed [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It said that the Thalidomide disaster was a matter of public concern , and the mere fact that litigation was in progress did not alter the right and indeed responsibility of the mass media to impart information of public interest .
2 The Army exploits national differences , and indeed differences of class and sex , to enhance its strength .
3 The previously taken-for-granted principle of social responsibility for the survival — and indeed well-being of that part of society not directly engaged by capital as producers has suddenly come under attack .
4 And indeed Chairman in taking account of those concerns , we did add er a couple of conditions
5 For the purposes of this book , however , the wealth and variety of different designs on Greek and Roman coins give the greatest opportunities and indeed difficulties of interpretation .
6 In his view the peasantry ( and indeed society as a whole ) was caught in a conceptual bind ; for although Protestantism provided the rudiments of a revolutionary ideology , it also distracted attention from the economic and political conditions which were the real source of their plight .
7 The cause , it was stated , was the ‘ systematic damage ’ she had wrought on higher education — and indeed education in general .
8 The Lords of the Congregation could rightly assert the duty and responsibility of the nobility to act for the good of the commonweal , and indeed experience of minorities over two centuries had in practice underwritten the theoretical position to an unusual extent .
9 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
10 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
11 The patterns of speech are rooted in a society where men literally do have more power than women , and indeed power over women .
12 As with licensing , the position has now altered , though the content and indeed application of natural justice or fairness will vary as between areas .
13 He was much impressed by the strength , circumstance and indeed amenities of Scotland 's foremost port .
14 Both schools and colleges give prominence to the near-autonomy of their subject departments — and indeed heads of departments are sometimes regarded as those who really run an upper school or a college .
15 The DTI consider that although the title of the Directive applies to all contracts involving consumers , the recitals and indeed parts of the text , imply that it can only apply to contracts for the supply of goods and services .
16 The effect of the case , however , was the reverse of what some of his critics had hoped for : attempts to bring similar charges against others failed , and the right and indeed duty of biblical scholars to explore these questions came to be tacitly accepted in Scotland as elsewhere .
17 In conclusion , all impact studies have confirmed that there is a very strong pattern and indeed concentration of recreational activity along the lines shown in Table 7.3 .
18 But owing to the rise of semi-literacy ‘ serious ’ hardback novels , and indeed books in general , are nowadays bought on impulse on the design of the jacket alone .
19 we 're assuming for the purposes of the argument that you have n't , I mean it 's got ta be , you 've got other defences altogether er and indeed terms of which I have n't made my mind up yet , but with judgement and your duty of care erm may themselves solve this particular problem
20 In this way , Schleiermacher was able to include Christianity alongside other faiths under his general conception of religion , and at the same time to affirm its distinctiveness and indeed superiority over all other contenders .
21 Perhaps Edward expected no other outcome , and indeed preparations for another campaign in France were well in hand when the treaty was concluded .
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