Example sentences of "and look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The enterprising walker could reach Cape Matapan and look for the cave entrance to Hades .
2 I vote we walk into it and look for the summit under the water . ’
3 Try to ignore the clutter and detail , and look for the central themes or metaphors .
4 Check the excellent scantily clads and look for the blatant Talkin Loud ‘ inspiration ’
5 He will then envisage the designed chain of events between input and output and look for the hiatus , he may do this by rules , by a pictorial model or by a model involving some symbolism such as expected voltage levels .
6 Grab her handbag and look for the means to buy a new tank hood ?
7 All we need to do is to push microelectrodes into the regions to which the prestriate cortex projects and look for the cells that only respond to particular objects .
8 You could take home just a few to cut open and look for the young larva or larvae , as in some types of gall there is always more than one larva , each in its own separate section .
9 Go down there and look for the apothecary 's sign .
10 He 'd open the door , take a few sips , close the door and look for the principal in the toilet .
11 I suggest that we proceed along those lines and look for the most economic way to alleviate my constituents ' problems while not doing too much damage to my hon. Friend 's constituents .
12 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
13 Compare it with other theories , try and look for the limitations of it .
14 And then you wait and look for the post every single day .
15 Conformation also affects the future ride and look of the horse , as well as its soundness .
16 ‘ Feel the weight and look at the thickness , that is a good clue to how strong it will be .
17 Botanical guides had their heyday during the Victorian mania for fern-collection , which stripped the mountains bare of many of the rarest species — go and look at the grave of ‘ Wil Boots ’ in Nant Peris churchyard for the story of this in miniature .
18 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
19 As a few of us stand and look at the Germans , Mills Roberts appears with a few of his Officers .
20 There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire .
21 I get up and look at the picture real close to see if there 's a baby in the boat , but I ca n't see one .
22 I pick them up and look at the envelopes .
23 There 's a man cooking chestnuts on the corner and I stop and warm my hands over the fire and look at the Christmas tree .
24 If you stand on Waterloo Station and look at the faces you will see what Jesus saw — a crowd that was harassed .
25 If you stand on Waterloo Station and look at the faces you will see what Jesus saw — a crowd that was harassed .
26 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
27 His Mum made him sit on one of the chairs that were all round the walls and look at the magazines .
28 ‘ The man who is looking for a breed to put shape into his lambs only has to talk to butchers who deal in this type of Texel-sired carcass and look at the successes achieved in carcass competitions .
29 Sometimes I look through the catalogue at the men 's clothes , or wander into shops like Principles and look at the menswear .
30 When I asked if I might walk through the camp and look at the castle from the other side , Cinderella looked distressed , so I said ‘ never mind ’ and made my way back to the stone stile .
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