Example sentences of "and looking [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There he was , standing beside the bed in grey trousers and a black jersey , and looking disgustingly wide-awake .
2 She would have described herself quite objectively as aged 35 and looking neither older nor younger , height 5 feet 4 and usually just under nine stone with a figure that was well kept rather than dramatic .
3 The dog never paid any attention to any of these commands , but , like most dogs , carried on eating golf balls , smelling strangers ' private parts , and looking immensely pleased with himself .
4 He was conscious of the fact that Madeleine was toying with her food and looking increasingly bored .
5 Before we went we met in the family room , Tremayne pretending nonchalance and looking unexpectedly sophisticated in his dinner jacket : grey hair smooth in wings , strong features composed , bulky body slimmed by ample expert tailoring .
6 The lights changed and the truck pulled off with Chase trying to keep his balance and looking thoroughly bemused .
7 Harlequin ducks were enjoying the rapids and sun , toing and froing , preening and looking most elegant , and I was enjoying myself , crawling commando-style at the water 's edge , despite the odd passer-by 's curious gaze .
8 He was back quite soon and looking distinctly puzzled .
9 Immediately beyond , a short lane leads up to a long terrace of cottages built to house the workers of the Millthrop woollen mill nearby across the river , and looking rather forlorn and out of place since their source of employment was destroyed by fire many years ago .
10 She stared at him in some amazement , and looking rather confused , João backed out and left her with her Imitation .
11 He was holding the animal 's head up by its antlers and looking shyly pleased at the camera .
12 But walking along beside him , sucking his cane , and looking ineffably bored as he escorted his new marchioness , née Miss Maybelle Foy , the meat-packer 's heiress from Chicago , was none other than Havvie Blaine , of unblessed memory .
13 Felix bawled angrily , on his feet , with his arms swinging on a curve away from his body and looking abnormally long .
14 And she was n't depending only on her instinct — yesterday he had come home too late to go to the Sabbath commencement service and looking very tired .
15 On one of them the poor little creature sat nursing his arm and looking very sorry for himself .
16 The early potatoes were well up and looking very healthy , I was happy to see .
17 In broad daylight what 's more — and looking very charming in it too .
18 A picture of the Shah at the ruined temple on Philae shows him in a blazer and tie , wearing tinted glasses and looking very gaunt as a guide earnestly explains it all to him .
19 I was shocked when I first went into the Marsden and saw all these people with no hair , very white , being wheeled around in wheel chairs with cannulas and drips and looking very sickly .
20 She was sitting back relaxedly and looking more contented than she had for some time .
21 " Ah , " Mr Starke said , sitting forward in his seat and looking more interested , " you resigned ? "
22 ‘ It is nice to see the green are in good heart and looking so good . ’
23 One afternoon a week he received tuition from Minton whom he first saw seated on a windowsill , hugging his legs and looking as young as some of the students he taught .
24 There was Woil with the usual Man-welcoming expression on his face and looking as harmless as a tired sparrow and saying , ‘ Nice Man , welcome food , good to bring it to grateful Woil .
25 She was not otherwise positively ill-looking , though anxious , meagre , of a muddy complexion , and looking as old again as she really was .
26 He flung one leg round the door post , demanded a Las Vegas introduction and swarmed into the room murmuring good evening , stopping when he saw Jay and looking totally bemused .
27 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
28 Although upright and looking much younger than her years , she seemed to have changed a great deal from when I had seen her last , and she wore a slightly dazed expression ( as well she might , I told myself , considering her age and the difficulty of her situation ) .
29 And , after being out in the sunshine with the children most of the day , she 'd lost her pale , city complexion , becoming as brown as a berry and looking much younger .
30 He was already standing in the doorway , looking at her , and looking damned pleased with himself , too .
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