Example sentences of "in these circumstance [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances we are interested in how the press reports these crimes and how this has been changing .
2 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
3 Even in these circumstances we still expect to make steady progress in 1993 .
4 In these circumstances we are usually investigating a finite population and therefore a sampling frame ( i.e. a list of population members ) may well exist .
5 Quickly taking stock of the atmosphere , Pétain remarked icily to Serrigny : ‘ In these circumstances we shall install ourselves at Souilly , where I hope we may find a little more calm . ’
6 In these circumstances they are more able to realise their true ideological potential , which seems to mean taking on the characteristics of the most rapacious forms of capitalist entrepreneurship .
7 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
8 It is submitted that in these circumstances they do not do well enough with the written word .
9 In these circumstances it seemed to Napoleon III that the Entente needed a boost and so came the first essay in Court diplomacy , the state visit to England in 1855 at the request of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert .
10 Roo Management wanted to put these rooms to intensive use throughout the day and in these circumstances it was clear that the contents could not remain .
11 In these circumstances it is not fair and reasonable for building societies and valuers to agree together to impose on purchasers the risk of loss arising as a result of incompetence or carelessness on the part of valuers ’ , he said .
12 In these circumstances it was hard to concentrate on football , and the standard of play fell .
13 In these circumstances it may be hard for other people to believe that the governors ' proceedings can be as fair as they should be .
14 In these circumstances it is more ethical to tell the participants about the screen .
15 In these circumstances it was the business of responsible churchmen to lend support to the monarch in every way they could .
16 I have been told that in these circumstances it is permissible from an audit point of view to write back debts that are over two years old , notwithstanding the provisions of the Statute of Limitations , giving the creditor the right to demand payment for up to six years .
17 This was a combination of evils grievous to bear ; and in these circumstances it is scarcely surprising that the monastic community of the cathedral church themselves took action , and instituted a search for papal privileges to uphold their failing fortunes .
18 In these circumstances it is not clear whether or not the effectiveness of the intervention is quite so dependent on operating experience .
19 In these circumstances it is just as reasonable to assume that political elites or administrative officials are acting autonomously as to assume that they are acting in accordance with society 's preferences .
20 In these circumstances it would have been astonishing if fundholding had not produced improvements in services for patients .
21 The Cabinet agreed that in these circumstances it was inevitable that the decision on this issue should be left to a free vote .
22 In these circumstances it was inevitable that for Richard and his brothers and sisters their father was a distant figure , always in a hurry .
23 In these circumstances it was not in Henry 's interest to press Louis too hard , for the Capetian might well counter by lending support to disaffected elements within the Angevin Empire .
24 In these circumstances it was only appropriate that in 1174 , while his father occupied Poitiers , Richard should set up his headquarters in Saintes and turn the cathedral into an arms depot .
25 In these circumstances it is essential to ensure that the foster mother has finished giving birth and that all her natural young are removed .
26 In these circumstances it is hardly surprising that many lone women parents do not work .
27 In these circumstances it necessitated ‘ the employment of commercial wage-workers who make up the actual office staff ’ .
28 In these circumstances it can fairly be said that there was no medical evidence favouring such ventilation , although it was clearly possible that within the paediatric medical speciality some consultant of repute could be found who took a different view .
29 In these circumstances it is necessary to ask whether the bank took reasonable steps to try and ensure that she had an adequate comprehension of the effect of the charge .
30 In these circumstances it is impossible to my mind to regard section 8 as supporting the general proposition that in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction the court should allow the child 's decision to determine the matter , whether or not the court thinks that this is in the child 's best interests .
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