Example sentences of "a resolution [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Baker won Cuban as well as Yemeni agreement not to insist that the Council vote first on the Palestinian issue , reportedly tacitly undertaking in return not to veto a resolution planned for December .
2 At the TUC of September 1899 , the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants moved a resolution calling for a special conference to discuss the representation of the working man in Parliament .
3 On Thursday delegates approved a resolution calling for a two-year ban on dumping radioactive wastes in the sea .
4 In February of this year a resolution calling for its enactment was passed by the Liberal Party Council , and it has also been supported by many individuals and groups in both the Labour and Conservative parties .
5 Similarly , after the implementation of the allowances , the Cooperative Women 's Guild , an organisation of working-class women within the Cooperative Movement which had originally been among the strongest supporters of the campaign for family allowances ( Lewis , 1980 ) , defeated a resolution calling for an increase in the amount of the allowance at their annual Congress in 1951 ( Gaffin and Thoms , 1983 , p. 161 ) .
6 In the following year an even stronger resolution on the navy was passed unanimously , but a resolution calling for national service was conveniently not reached at the end of the order paper ; there was an undoubted commitment to a stronger army and navy but some doubt about the wisdom of a party commitment to conscription In peacetime .
7 Criticism of the running of the war went on though , and in June the Executive passed a resolution calling for a more active prosecution of the War .
8 The Georgian parliament , under its new leadership , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the full restoration of republican sovereignty as it had existed up to 1921 .
9 The union treaty was considered at some length by the Central Committee plenum in December 1990 ; it approved a resolution calling for the ‘ renewal and preservation of a unitary Soviet Union ’ , a renewal that was ‘ socialist in character ’ .
10 In that same year , on behalf of the union , I went to the rostrum at the Labour Party Conference , to move a resolution calling for the end of the block vote .
11 I do not claim to have my hon. Friend 's detailed knowledge , but I remember my attitude when the Council of Europe recently passed a resolution calling for an armed intervention force in Yugoslavia under the aegis of the United Nations .
12 A resolution calling for the holding of a plebiscite had been adopted by the UN in January 1949 .
13 On April 26 the central executive committee of the Nepali Congress met and adopted a resolution calling for the immediate dissolution of the district and local non-party panchayats , and for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy and elections within a year .
14 A poorly attended meeting of Arab League Foreign Ministers issues a resolution calling for an immediate Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait .
15 On Sept. 24 the Supreme Soviet adopted by 285 votes to 26 , with 60 abstentions , a resolution calling for a " unified programme " , combining elements from the Shatalin , Ryzhkov and Aganbegyan proposals , to be worked out under Gorbachev 's supervision and in consultation with the republican legislatures , for submission by Oct. 15 .
16 The meeting , which was attended by 114 of its 161 members and by 14 observer delegations , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a more co-ordinated international approach to the problem of aircraft noise .
17 Sudan , and reportedly Yemen , had also urged the lifting of sanctions while dissenting from a resolution calling for their extension passed by the Islamic Conference Organization ( ICO ) at its summit in Dakhar on Dec. 9 [ see p. 38699 ] .
18 The European Parliament on Feb. 14 approved a resolution calling for an end to " the deplorable situation of human rights abuses " in Guatemala and expressing concern at the lack of progress in investigating abuses .
19 A resolution calling for a ban on TBT in anti-fouling paints was agreed by the International Maritime Organisation 's environment protection committee .
20 In 1978 for example the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) passed a resolution calling for government action to promote technological change while at the same time ameliorating the impact of such change on existing employment .
21 Foreign Ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , which was preparing contingency plans for intervention , agreed on Dec. 17 to support any future UN resolution enforcing the existing flight ban over Bosnia , on condition that such a resolution provided for continued humanitarian efforts .
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