Example sentences of "a breath of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The people kneeling around her sighed all together , a breath of wonder that rippled through them .
2 For some strange reason the image of the corpse of Nicola Sharpe floated up in his mind , and it brought with it a breath of foreboding , a sense that he was in the presence of evil .
3 He could n't admit to being afraid of a breath of air .
4 ‘ Leave me get a breath of air , and I 'll do that ! ’
5 In the seconds at the bottom when everything had steadied , when there was n't a breath of air , just a strange unreal calm , he rolled over the edge and clawed his way on to the thin rubber bottom of the raft .
6 Not a wink all night did I get , so I went for a breath of air . ’
7 ‘ Lee , I have to get a breath of air , ’ she said .
8 It was healthy too ; the two great arms of piers reached out into the sea and were a regular walking spot for anyone in need of a breath of air or some exercise .
9 During the previous weeks there had been fine weather , and after a day in the office Paul would keep his mother company in the evenings for a little while , then , as they had nothing to say to one another , he would tell her he was going out for a breath of air .
10 " It is a bit ; will you open the back door for a few minutes and let in a breath of air ? "
11 But when I needed a breath of air , or wished to explore Reine , and was out of the attic for an hour or so , leaving him alone there , he became depressed and even a little disagreeable .
12 Then she felt a breath of air and the creak of the door she had n't altogether shut and which led out to the courtyard .
13 and a breath of air almost saying something
14 I want a breath of air . ’
15 It would n't be much good telling them I had just popped out for a breath of air this street led to both the bus and railway stations and it would n't need a genius to rumble my little game .
16 At some time or another most of us will have sat beside the shore of a loch when there 's complete calm and not a breath of air .
17 It 'll do you good to get a breath of air .
18 Do let me feel a breath of air from the moors , just one breath ! ’
19 Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and , when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order , stepped out for a breath of air , a short stroll which led him — as he had known it would — to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane .
20 He was drunk , the window was open , he leant out for a breath of air , he fell : that was the general opinion . ’
21 Ramsey presumably leant out for a breath of air .
22 A breath of air might help .
23 She had meant only to run up the road for a breath of air when the rain stopped and she had been drawn on into the spring evening until now she had half an hour 's brisk walk to get home .
24 ‘ I came out here for a breath of air , ’ he said , ‘ but I guess it 's time to go back now .
25 He planted one foot carefully to stop the door being swung in his face and took a breath of air that was wrongly warm and sour .
26 Rory , everybody 's up , they 're walking round the house , they 'll come out for a breath of air if they do n't hear you , even .
27 When I am down in States l or 2 it seems to me that I am always there , with all the flags hanging limp and absolutely still , and not a breath of air moving .
28 There 'd been yet another cancelled lesson only today and Ronni was feeling even angrier and edgier than ever as , just after lunchtime , she made her way down the garden towards the villa 's private little jetty , a corner she had n't explored before , to try and calm herself with a breath of air .
29 It was less crowded at the rear of the room and he thought of pausing there , where he could watch la Principessa and still draw a breath of air that was not perfumed half to death , but then he patted the slender cigar in the breast pocket of the dinner-jacket that had been hand-tailored to fit his sinew-hardened body and decided that only a whiff of tobacco would fully cleanse his nostrils of the mix of scents that hung in the over-heated room .
30 A breath of laughter came from Luke .
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