Example sentences of "a week for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The real trouble is that we hand over £18 a week for every family in Britain — a total of £14,000 million — through the common agricultural policy .
2 For other children , the losses are much higher — £2.60p a week for every child from the second onwards .
3 We Brits now drink twice as much wine as we did ten years ago the equivalent of half a bottle of wine a week for every man and woman in the country .
4 Sid Cordle , of the Yorkshire Conservative Trade Unions , protested that the basic state pension of £46.60 a week for a single person and £69.80 for a couple was totally inadequate .
5 However , the increase of up to £2.50 a week for a single person , and up to £3.50 a week for a couple , is considered small by many involved with the elderly .
6 However , the increase of up to £2.50 a week for a single person , and up to £3.50 a week for a couple , is considered small by many involved with the elderly .
7 But persistent exposure to the same paper-type at least three times a week for a whole year may well have some effect , particularly if it is a preelection year when the political temperature usually rises .
8 Lineages also contributed to the expenses of funerals : members made a collection toward the cost of feeding the guests ; if the dead person was a well known and respected man , the household might have to provide two meals a day and continual tea for up to a week for a hundred or so visitors ( who sometimes brought a contribution of a sheep or tea or sugar ) .
9 We will increase the basic retirement pension by an extra £5 a week for a single person and £8 a week for a married couple .
10 We will increase the basic retirement pension by an extra £5 a week for a single person and £8 a week for a married couple .
11 The Infirmary League covered hospital treatment and cost 2d a week for a single person whilst the payment of 4d covered a whole family — father , mother and all children under eighteen .
12 ‘ You can have time off , perhaps even a week for a holiday , if things are quiet . ’
13 You can draw on people 's competitive instincts by having two or three teams in the Home which meet regularly once a week for a little competition .
14 She gets some help from their son who lives with them and works night shifts and from a care attendant once a week for a three-hour session who makes lunch and supervises James ' toilet care .
15 Very often your teacher may ask you to come twice a week for two or three weeks and then once a week for a further period which will vary from pupil to pupil .
16 One of our regulars would call three times a week for a take-away of : ‘ Ellomeyat pie and chips . ’
17 She does high-impact classes 2-4 times a month , dabbles in Callanetics and swam once a week for a month .
18 A variety of courses was evaluated ; some were held for one evening a week for a term ; others were one-week full time ; some were award-bearing , others were not .
19 The current rates are £32.55 a week for a spouse , £9.75 for the first child and £1 0.85 each for any other dependent children .
20 She pays £12.50 a week for a one room flat , so the couple are constantly in each other 's company .
21 Kirk Care uses this system to employ home carers 7 hours a day , 7 days a week for a group of tenants all receiving Attendance Allowance .
22 commitment to sending them to college , so we lose one day a week for a start .
23 If doctors are employed in a unit the amount of time they spend with a patient may be as little as fifteen minutes twice a week for a short-term attender and an astonishingly low four or five minutes per week for a long-term attender .
24 A factor in this was excessive overtime with many signalmen working 7 days a week for a month .
25 Bed and breakfast accommodation for homeless people is usually overcrowded and insanitary , and yet some London boroughs have been paying £250 a week for a single room .
26 Set aside 15 minutes a week for a mini manicure .
27 Er they had been very much lower th er er in nineteen hundred and ten when we , I have some of the books showing you know , as little as er thirteen shillings a week for a skilled man you see and that sort of thing .
28 Whereas , taking him taking one guy a week for a week , is putting no-one in jeopardy and giving somebody a decent wage for a week .
29 From 1 April , he will have to pay £3.75 a week for a prescription out of an income of £60.31 .
30 In particular , we have thus once again honoured in full our commitment to increase in line with prices the basic retirement pension , which will thus rise from £52 to £54.15 a week for a single person and from £83.25 to £86.70 for a couple , entailing additional expenditure of about £1 billion .
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