Example sentences of "and confine to [art] " in BNC.

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1 And as we have seen , retirement was then much less common , and confined to a restricted social minority .
2 It takes little thought to see that someone who is physically crippled and confined to a wheelchair may still lead a very full life if his mental and higher faculties are in good order whereas a physically fit but totally demented person has little left to give and little capacity to receive except for physical care and a little love .
3 Totalling fewer than twenty and confined to a minority of townships , they can hardly have represented more than a fraction of the real number of demises , most of which were likely to have been annual tenancies anyway .
4 Secondly , conflict may be formal in the sense of being openly recognised by the parties involved , and perhaps institutionalised as part of an established bargaining procedure ; or it can be informal , and confined to a sphere of covert activity outside the organisation 's authority structure .
5 Upon their arrest Ershad and his wife were moved from the Army cantonment and confined to a diplomatic compound .
6 Jeanne Calment , deaf , almost blind and confined to a wheelchair , gave up smoking last year and no longer drinks her daily glass of port .
7 The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857 , when legal divorce was exceedingly rare and confined to the privileged .
8 Unfortunately , they were found to cause excessive wear on the sharp corner at the ‘ Robin Hood ’ and confined to the Penge route , until Croydon Corporation took over its working again .
9 Mrs Robinson was banished below decks and confined to the kitchens from which emerged a steady issue of victuals from forenoon to midnight .
10 They were driven back and confined to the area south of the Sava-Danube-Una line , where the frontier remained for almost two centuries .
11 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
12 Without it , the gain is smaller and confined to the consumption benefit of cheaper imports .
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