Example sentences of "and make [pron] easier " in BNC.

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1 Is that fine food and wine going to affect your judgement and make you easier to persuade ?
2 TransAction should , therefore , reduce delays and make it easier for the consumer to understand the process in partnership with their solicitors .
3 Such a split should clarify the distribution of costs and make it easier for competing train services to run on the same track .
4 We will reform benefits for people with disabilities and make it easier for those available for work to take employment .
5 When turning completely it is always preferable to turn by leaning the sail over the back of the board ( a tack ) since this will turn the board into wind and make it easier to return from where you set out .
6 Metaphors of grasping call attention to the active process of thinking rather than to static and distinct thoughts , and make it easier to understand that we interpret and organize rather than passively reflect .
7 They have bevelled edges to reduce on-site damage and make it easier to work with .
8 It should be noted , however , that if one million of the three million were back at work and not receiving unemployment and/or supplementary benefits from the Exchequer , it would put less strain on the public purse and make it easier to meet the social security benefits for the expected one million over-85-year-olds .
9 At first glance it appears that Braudel has merely hit on a convenient fashion of dividing up the past , to bring it under control and make it easier for historians to encompass .
10 and make it easier for the parent to understand whether this is good or bad .
11 The business men came , we heard , the Chancellor listened , and he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of deregulatory measures , which will ease cash flow and make it easier to deal with the VAT man and the Inland Revenue .
12 Opponents of the MTO claim it would institutionalise the primacy of free trade over environmental protection and make it easier to challenge high national standards on environmental protection as unfair barriers to trade .
13 Okay now I want you to make a list there for traditional of all the materials we put around there , so make that list there okay and make it easier to look at .
14 Britain is pressing the UN to rotate troops to ease the burden on individual countries and make it easier for nations to offer forces for the growing number of peacekeeping duties around the world .
15 Advertisers love the new sections because they provide choice and make it easier to target advertising at specialist audiences .
16 They , they used to build wings for the , they had er all pop riveters and they used to b build wings for the planes that finally came up to the airport down there and erm it was very much a structural set-up as I say I used to have to take plates down there from the airport to be normalized , it was er a sort of softening treatment for aluminium and made them easier to shape and rivet them onto the main fuselage , but they , they used to make Harvard wings and cowls , engine cowls , for the Bostons and Havocs they were n't the one type of Boston was a fighter bomber and another one it had the front navigator 's position cut out and they used to have a search light put in there which they used to call
17 Dr Walter Kilner developed some screens filled with a dicyanin solution which sensitized the eyes and made it easier for more people to see the aura .
18 Technological advances in manufacturing have raised the quality of most goods and made it easier for competitors to copy one another 's innovations — which are , anyway , typically minor and increasingly rare .
19 A formula could be seen as a way to get a fair wage increase and made it easier to deal with differentials .
20 The new machines , which will be fitted in the bigger branches , will have a number of features aimed at cutting queuing times and making them easier to use .
21 If it is possible to use the same basic pattern for a number of guides , this has the advantage of both saving the librarian 's time and making it easier for the user to transfer search techniques from one discipline to another .
22 The Scottish Institute has made an urgent plea to Government to reduce the legislative burdens on small businesses by freeing them from the obligation of a statutory audit , and making it easier for them to disincorporate .
23 The government 's plan is that tax-dodging is suddenly to be made dramatically more difficult , by reorganising the tax-collecting system and making it easier for the taxman to spot the dodgers .
24 When the net has been pursed and brought to the side of the boat , the seiner can release the tension on the headrope of the net by the backdown procedure , which enables the back of the net with the finer mesh to sink and makes it easier for dolphins to escape , while the tuna continue to swim around in the net below .
25 This method gives children a clear idea of how groups of words relate to each other and makes it easier for them to remember new words and meanings .
26 According to O'Connell , this saves on both development time and costs for ACT and its customers , and makes it easier to manage complex applications .
27 Compaq Computer Corp says it is the first major personal computer manufacturer to receive a 1993-1994 US General Services Administration Schedule contract , which runs to March 31 1994 and makes it easier for the federal government to buy Compaq products at pre-set prices .
28 Inclusion of the Adobe Type manager and Type 1 fonts allows for the use of existing Adobe fonts from DOS disks , and makes it easier for developers to port over applications from Windows , OS/2 and Mac 's .
29 It helps if these are on show , and makes it easier to select text accurately without disturbing the formatting of paragraphs which need no further editing .
30 For Italians it is almost always ‘ the more , the merrier ’ and to make it easier for you to party as a party , we have a special group offer which gives one free place for every 20 paying customers .
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