Example sentences of "and be thus [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The events they referred to can be verified from other sources : the battles of Kawz and Hawaria also appear in Graziani 's work , for example , and are thus authenticated ( Graziani , 1932 ) .
2 Many carers provide 24 hour nursing care and are thus rendered housebound themselves .
3 If just one or two Germans among that 50 per cent see it , and are thus prevented from forgetting the past , it may be worthwhile .
4 Many sounds produced by living creatures , however , lie in frequencies outside our human threshold of hearing and are thus designated as ultrasound ( higher frequencies ) or infrasound ( lower frequencies ) .
5 All elements which represent links or associations between one element and another do so using a common set of attributes , and are thus regarded as forming the attribute class pointer .
6 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
7 Broad-spectrum insecticides used against bollworms have in turn decimated the natural enemies of whiteflies ( which live on the undersides of the leaves and are thus protected from aerial sprays ) .
8 The strictness of the defence has unfortunate consequences for some controversial publications : distributors are prone to equate political radicalism with a propensity to libel , and are thus provided with a ready-made legal excuse for a decision not to stock them .
9 The arch-Kinnockites in the Tribune Group have shifted entirely into John Smith 's camp and are thus considered to have come out in their true colours as right-wingers .
10 Since technologies are ‘ neutral ’ , then no aspersions are being cast on individual members of cultures which happen to lack a particular technology and are thus taken to lack certain intellectual advantages .
11 It is established that the nerves mediating the rectoanal inhibitory reflex lie wholly in the wall of the gut and are thus known as enteric ( intrinsic ) inhibitory neurons .
12 Most mushroom anemones imported into this country are species of Actinodoscus , Rhodactis , and Discosoma , all of which hail from the Pacific and are thus included in shipments from the Philippines , where most marine aquarium inhabitants originate these days .
13 Chemically , they differ considerably from morphine , but they can usually be seen to correspond to part of the morphine molecule , and are thus envisaged as acting on the same receptors .
14 In addition , there are many other disciplines — philosophy , psychology and psychiatry , sociology and anthropology , Artificial Intelligence , media studies , literary studies — which often examine their object of study — the mind , society , other cultures , computers , the media , works of literature — through language , and are thus carrying out their own discourse analysis , very often some of the best .
15 Pure business accountancy however is rarely selective enough to pick up changes in cleaning expenditure as many items are often included with more general expenditure and are thus concealed .
16 Indeed , in two of the earliest reports on this subject , many gluten sensitised subjects were considered subjectively to have an abnormal rectal mucosa and were thus presumed to be showing a local immune response to dietary gluten proteins .
17 In truth , as testimonies from both sides bear witness , the combatants felt that the outcome of the conflict was irreversibly decided in favour of the Nationalists in the winter of 1937 – 38 , when Franco 's forces gained control of the town of Teruel , in southern Aragón , and were thus poised to launch an offensive on Catalonia and Valencia .
18 The first graduates from degree courses validated by the CNAA were beginning to enter industry and the professions , and to study for postgraduate awards in the universities , and were thus establishing the credibility of CNAA degrees — including in non-science subjects .
19 Of the total sample of around 95,000 trees , 23.5 per cent were more than a quarter defoliated in 1992 , and were thus classified as damaged , compared with 22.2 per cent in 1991 .
20 Eighteen ( 75% ) patients who received chemotherapy and eight ( 67% ) symptomatically treated patients completed at least two questionnaires on quality of life , including one at baseline , and were thus considered evaluable .
21 It showed that more than 10% of normal pregnant women had two hour glucose concentrations after a 75 g glucose tolerance test of more than 8 mmol/l and were thus labelled as having impaired glucose tolerance .
22 These were perceived as tools of management , [ who ] were only interested in productivity and in milking as much as possible out of their work force and were thus responded to by a work force who were determined to ensure that their rewards were as high as possible , and thus there was a perceived necessity to fool the time and motion man .
23 And being thus frighted swears a prayer or two
24 When the man gets the bird home , however , he finds that this is the only sentence the bird can utter , and is thus punished for trusting ‘ affected solemnity ’ .
25 It is a form of law superior to other laws — because ( i ) it originates in an authority higher than the legislature which makes ordinary law and ( ii ) the authority of the legislature derives from it and is thus bound by it .
26 The uniform ‘ polis ’ , by contrast , feels that regardless of the offence or its value , he is primarily dealing ‘ at first hand ’ with ‘ prigs ’ and is thus fulfilling another metaphorically prized position as ‘ a good collar feeler ’ .
27 In the picture the car is bound for Victoria Pier via Lytham Road , and is thus fitted with high mesh guards on the top deck to prevent passengers hitting the centre traction poles with which this route had been re-equipped .
28 What is thus left unstated forms the normal background or context of statements of legal validity and is thus said to be ‘ presupposed ’ by them .
29 Campbell is not saying that Christ takes our sin upon himself but he identifies so closely with us that it is as if he makes our confession and is thus separated from the presence of God for us .
30 Fills one quarter of the picture array ( and is thus misnamed ) .
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