Example sentences of "and the fourth [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The third element and the fourth element erm I I think relate more to location questions to do with the new settlement , and I propose to deal with those under the legal heading of two C , the next item is that the proposal can be considered alongside policies of restraint , and that is exactly how the proposal for the new settlement has emerged , it is a response to the er proposed greenbelt around York city , and obviously we can put in the greenbelt that there is severe erm policies of restraint operating at er on on the terms of new development .
2 Instead , she said , ‘ And the fourth sheet of paper ?
3 The third operation consisted of mounting the drawgear brakework , brake and heating pipes and electric light installation , and the fourth operation was that of painting .
4 Then it is across the road to the social club for the third pint , before tackling the first of the long uphill stretches to the Lamb at Denholme and the fourth pint .
5 And the fourth sector .
6 Doing geology is like playing outdoors with enigmatic jig-saw puzzles : giant puzzles in the two dimensions of the Earth 's surface , the third dimension of a drill hole and the fourth dimension of time .
7 His descendants continued to regard Richard III as the founder of the family fortunes and the fourth duke kept a portrait of him in the long gallery at Kennington .
8 His descendants continued to regard Richard III as the founder of the family fortunes and the fourth duke kept a portrait of him in the long gallery at Kennington .
9 The contrasts between the synoptic gospels ( Matthew , Mark and Luke ) and the fourth gospel , between the various letters ascribed to Paul , and between Paul 's theology and that of other leaders in the primitive church , all now came in for serious consideration .
10 It was always likely that this would happen again this year , given that the Walker Cup team were making history whereas Faldo , for all his brilliance , was the second Briton and the fourth European in the Eighties to win at Augusta .
11 The promise is one which , by law , must be in writing ; and the fourth plea shows that no consideration or request , dehors the letter , existed , and , therefore , that no such consideration , or request , can be alluded to by the letter .
12 Tom Emmett 's story is laced with thick Yorkshire dialect ; Ted Barratt , another left-arm bowler , prolific but unlucky , is rescued from the deepest obscurity of them all ; the colourful George Ulyett is seen as ‘ a sort of Victorian Ian Botham ’ , and was involved in the scandal over match-rigging on the 1881–82 tour of Australia ( to say nothing of a gatecrashing at 10 Downing Street ) ; the weird William Scotton lurks here too ; and the elegant but equally tragic Willie Bates ; and the outrageous Bobby Peel , the longest-lived of them all , by a long way , and the fourth Yorkie in the collection .
13 With no game this weekend the Manor Ground was closed for business … but the directors were working overtime in the boardroom … sorting through thirty applications for the manager 's job … they 've drawn up a shortlist … four men are being interviewed over the next couple of days … who are they … the club are keeping the names a secret … we reckon Chris Nicholl … the former Southampton manager is still in the running … so too is the former Sunderland and Bristol City chief Denis Smith … the fans favourite is Mark Lawrenson who was in charge of United for a short spell before he fell out with Maxwells and the fourth man … is a mystery … could be the dark horse the names of former England keeper Ray Clemence and one time Villa striker Peter Withe have been under discussion … all will be revealed later this week …
14 The third year is spent abroad and the fourth year follows the pattern of the final year of the single honours degree .
15 I find them all delightful in the first and second year , something happens between the second year and the fourth year , and in the fourth year they seem to have lost interest in academic things .
16 But I I er remember Margaret , my wife when she had the er the last one which is a a gap of about ten years between the third you know , and the fourth child
17 In this way it is quickly established that unc Inversion of B as in 1.9(8) then yields unc and then unc It may be of interest to note that if x = { p , q , r , s } is any vector of real numbers , not all zero , then the quadratic form unc may be written ( see also 1.22 , Theorem XIII ) unc where unc so that , where the second term does not involve p , the third p , q , and the fourth p , q , r , unc and is always positive under the conditions given .
18 Two of the kids and the fourth missionary died later in hospital .
19 A Sir John Mohun fought in the Black Prince 's wing at Creçy and was a knight of the Garter , and the fourth Baron Mohun was killed in a duel in Hyde Park in 1712 , the family having in the meantime given its name to Hammoon in Dorset , Mohuns Ottery and Tormoham in Devon , and Grange Mohun in County Kildare .
20 The first stage being the establishment , the next stage being penetration , the third stage being damage , what actually produces the damage in the disease , and the fourth stage is , if the disease is going to last for any period of time the ability of the organism to persist .
21 He revised the work very thoroughly , and much to its improvement , in 1880 — two years after completing not only ‘ Eugene Onegin ’ and the Fourth Symphony , but his disastrous marriage as well .
22 Oh and the fourth thing that happened is the timbers , core samples were taken out of the timbers and they were sent for erm dendrochronology .
23 Second-rank tensors , stress and strain , are treated as vectors in 9-dimensional space and the fourth rank tensors of elastic constants as ( 9 x 9 ) matrices .
24 Then we had Dicken off school to man the planter ; Rick and I , and the fourth seat was taken by Dicken 's teacher 's husband !
25 The first year 's yield produced £72,000 , the second £66,000 , the third £5,800 , and the fourth £9,400 .
26 Keith Wells , general secretary of the Sheffield YMCA , and the fourth player that night , explained that the idea originated in Norway , where 95 towns had produced the game to finance their local YMCA .
27 The third card is placed on the u of mutus and the fourth card is placed on the second u in mutus .
28 So you will spell A C E and the fourth card will be an ace and so on until you only have the king left in your hand .
29 It was proposed that the entire LDOCE vocabulary could be defined by the KDV by a series of four ’ defining cycles ’ that progressively add more of the core vocabulary to the KDV , until after three cycles all the core vocabulary is accounted for and the fourth cycle defines the remaining 27,758 headwords .
30 Police chief Calvin Ross said a person was being questioned about the killing of Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrand , the eighth foreign tourist and the fourth German killed in Florida in the past year .
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