Example sentences of "and shall [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 We intend to proceed and shall resolve the contract at the earliest possible date .
2 ( 2 ) Where a competent objector desires to object in relation to any application , he shall , not later than seven days before the meeting of the licensing board at which the application is to be considered : ( a ) lodge with the clerk of the board a written notice of objection which be signed by the objector or his agent and shall specify the grounds of his objection and ( b ) intimate his objection to the applicant in the manner provided by subsection ( 3 ) below , and an objection shall not be entertained by the licensing board unless it is proved or admitted that such objection was intimated to the applicant as aforesaid .
3 ( 7 ) An application for an occasional licence under this section shall be made in writing to the clerk of the licensing board and shall specify the name and address of the applicant , the premises or place and occasion for which the licence is required , and the hours and period for which the licence is requested .
4 4.1 acknowledges that all rights ( including but not limited to the copyright and other intellectual property rights ) in the Licensed Software which are owned by and shall remain the property of and and shall not during or at any time after the expiry or termination of this Agreement in any way question or dispute the ownership or any other such rights of and .
5 The document states that Richard Walter Jenkins shall ‘ absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the surname of the parent and shall bear the surname of the adopter and shall be held out to the world and in all respects treated as if he were in fact the child of the adopter ’ .
6 ( 4 ) The tenant shall upon reasonable notice permit the landlord or his agent to inspect and take copies of the tenant 's books of accounts or any other document or record which in the opinion of the landlord or such agent is relevant to the determination of the turnover rent and shall bear the costs of such inspection if there shall be any material discrepancy between the information supplied by the tenant under paragraph 3 above and the results of such inspection .
7 Example 4:6 Rent geared to subrents receivable YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on 1 January 1 April 1 July and 1 October in each year per cent of the net rents which the tenant is entitled to receive for the whole or any part of the demised property and calculated in accordance with the schedule hereto SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " full rack rental value " means the best rent at which the demised property ( or as the case may be the part of the demised property in question ) might reasonably be expected to be let in the open market by a willing landlord to a willing tenant ( i ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 2 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it is actually occupied ( ii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 3 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) of this lease ( iii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 4 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it was last occupied and in any case disregarding the matters set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) of section 34(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( as amended ) and on the assumption that the rent so determined will be revised every five years ( b ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or the Association of Certified Accountants ( 2 ) If the tenant lets or permits to be occupied the whole or any part of the demised property in return for any pecuniary consideration other than the full rack rental value thereof as at the date of such letting or permission or in return for no pecuniary consideration then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date of such letting or permission and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 3 ) If the tenant himself occupies the whole or any part of the demised property then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date on which he went into occupation and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 4 ) If the whole or any part of the demised property remains vacant for three months or more then at the expiry of such period of three months the tenant shall until the same is next occupied be deemed to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date upon which the said period expired and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 5 ) The tenant shall one month before the beginning of each quarter ( time being of the essence ) deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant showing a true summary of : ( a ) the gross amount of all rents and licence fees which the tenant is entitled ( or deemed to be entitled ) to receive in respect of the demised property and each part thereof for that quarter and ( b ) the amount of any sum included in ( a ) above which the tenant is entitled to recover from any subtenant or occupier of the whole or any part of the demised property either by way of VAT or by way of service charge in respect of services or works performed or to be performed ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) below the net rents shall be the difference between the two amounts shown in the said certificate ( 7 ) The net rents shall be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors if : ( a ) the tenant fails to deliver a certificate in accordance with paragraph ( 5 ) above ( in which case the tenant shall pay interest on the net rents at the rate of … per cent from the quarter day in question until payment ) or ( b ) any dispute or difference arises between the parties in connection with the calculation of the net rents ( in which case the arbitrator shall determine the amount of interest if any to be paid by the tenant ) ( 8 ) The tenant shall permit the landlord or his agent to inspect and take copies of the tenant 's books or account or any other document or record ( and if necessary the tenant shall procure any computer print-out ) which in the opinion of the landlord or such agent is relevant to the calculation of the net rents and shall bear the costs of such inspection if there shall be any material discrepancy between the certificate delivered by the tenant under paragraph 5 above and the results of such inspection .
8 ( 3 ) A licensing board may consider any application made to it under paragraph ( b ) of subsection ( 2 ) above at any meeting of the board held not earlier than 14 days after the making of the application and shall affirm the provisional grant if the board is satisfied that the premises , if completed in accordance with the plan mentioned in that paragraph , will be and convenient for their purpose and that the said plan does not deviate materially from the site plan and description of the premises lodged under the said subsection ( 2 ) .
9 ( 4 ) On receipt of a complaint under this section , the licensing board shall decide whether or not to hold a hearing on the issue and shall inform the complainer of the board 's decision in the matter .
10 9.1 The Publisher may present copies of the Work to the Libraries entitled to the Privilege and shall be entitled at its discretion to present copies of every edition of the Work to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and their Secretary and the Chancellor of the University editors of periodicals teachers and other persons through whom in its judgement publicity for the Work will be gained and shall retain the copies needed as samples by their showrooms and travellers throughout the world and all such presentation copies shall not be taken into account as copies sold .
11 9.1 The Publisher may present copies of the Work to the Libraries entitled to the Privilege and shall be entitled at its discretion to present copies of every edition of the Work to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and their Secretary and the Chancellor of the University editors of periodicals teachers and other persons through whom in its judgement publicity for the Work will be gained and shall retain the copies needed as samples by their showrooms and travellers throughout the world and all such presentation copies shall not be taken into account as copies sold .
12 The Organisers shall be liable for and shall indemnify the University against any claims against it of whatsoever nature including , but not limited to , claims in respect of death , injury , loss or damage where any such claim is caused by or arises by reason of the acts , omission or negligence of conference/course participants , the Organisers , their agents , servants or contractors .
13 Example 3:11 Option to renew ( 1 ) The tenant may by notice in writing served not less than six months before the date on which the term hereby granted is expressed to expire call upon the landlord for a further lease of the demised property ( " the further lease " ) provided that up to that date he has paid the rent and reasonably performed and observed his covenants ( 2 ) The further lease shall be for a term of ten years from the said date upon the same terms and conditions as this lease ( save as to rent and as to this option for renewal ) and at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( 3 ) In determining the rent payable under the further lease the arbitrator shall have the same powers as would be enjoyed by the court determining a rent for the demised property under section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and shall disregard the same matters as are therein specified ( 4 ) This option shall be of no effect if the tenant fails to register it as an estate contract within three months from the date of this lease Example 3:12 Option to renew contracted out tenancy If : ( 1 ) the tenant wishes to take a further tenancy of the demised property for a term of five years from the expiry date of the term hereby created ; and ( 2 ) the tenant gives written notice of his desire to the landlord not more than six nor less than three months before the expiry of the term ; and ( 3 ) up to the date of the notice the tenant has paid the rent and substantially performed his covenants ; and ( 4 ) the tenant joins with the landlord in making an application to the court for an order authorising the exclusion of the provisions of ss24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in relation to the further tenancy ; and ( 5 ) the court makes such an order then the landlord shall let the demised property to the tenant for a term of five years from the expiry of the term hereby created at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by arbitration and otherwise upon the terms of this lease ( except this option for renewal ) Example 3:13 Clause negativing perpetual renewal Nothing in this clause shall entitle the tenant to renew the tenancy for any term expiring more than twenty years after the beginning of the term of this lease
14 We come finally to the confluent form of Sylvester 's expansion for any polynomial , and again we use the matrices A and B as exemplifying the general case ; however , for greater generality we shall write the repeated roots as unc the unrepeated root as unc and shall replace the unit in the superdiagonal of unc by r .
15 I am also enclosing a note about the British National Corpus , and shall get the discussed poster to you before the next ESBW event .
16 … If there are problems we must and shall follow the path of peace ’ , although this was sound advice , it was not to the liking of his audience .
17 9.1 shall initially decide whether or not proceedings shall be brought against third parties , and shall name the conduct of any such proceedings , where these are based upon infringement or the Trade Marks or 's copyright or other intellectual property rights in the Work or the Converted Text or the Work .
18 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
19 I can and shall take the matter up with the Attorney General in relation to the sentence which has been past .
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