Example sentences of "and reach for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier , avoiding Matey 's compressed lips , he had picked up the whisky bottle and reached for a glass — anything , so long as he achieved oblivion , surcease from pain — and then he had heard her voice again , in the corridor at the church hall , mockingly telling him to retreat to it .
2 ‘ I should have guessed , ’ Werner replied , and reached for the numerical keys .
3 She turned out the light and reaching for a pitchfork crept towards the tack room .
4 I am letting go of the past , and reaching for the future .
5 Carson let the door swing behind him , hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver .
6 He tried to catch the attendant 's eye but the man was already turning away and reaching for the nozzle of the pump hose .
7 Well , she 'd simply have to find the strength within herself to resist that power , she decided grimly , rising to her feet and reaching for the long black dress she 'd laid out earlier to change into .
8 An unmarked Ford Escort pulled out from the kerb slow enough to give me plenty of time to ease up and reach for the horn .
9 She had neither the energy nor the time to feel irritated ; instead she took out her pen again and reached for a sheet of the museum 's paper .
10 Feeling unusually low and depressed from a bout of hay fever , Johnson did the natural thing and reached for a couple of Reactivins .
11 Butler stubbed out his cigar in an ashtray and reached for a telephone on the table beside him .
12 Returning to my dressing room , I removed my headdress and reached for a towel to dry my sweat-soaked hair — fighting with seven dwarfs under banks of spotlights is hot work .
13 At the crash from the front door he came out of his chair and reached for a twelve-bore shotgun that lay on the pine table .
14 Jazzbeaux threw the wig into the toilet , and reached for a towel .
15 Talbot nodded and reached for a phone .
16 Carol sighed and reached for a tissue from the bedside table .
17 And reached for a heavy key and turned the lock .
18 ‘ And first of all , I 'm going to climb through the window , ’ she said and reached for a stack of sacking which had been thrown down near the wall and which , piled carefully , might enable her to reach the sill .
19 She turned off the shower and reached for a towel .
20 He flicked a switch on the percolator , which was set up in a recess above one of the work-benches , and reached for a fresh mug .
21 The soldier grinned and reached for a half-smoked cigarette behind the earflap of his fur hat .
22 Hatchard put down his notebook and ballpoint and reached for a cigarette .
23 Schneider draped a sheet about his shoulders and reached for a pair of scissors .
24 He brooded for a moment , sighed , and reached for the list again .
25 She dropped the other gun — the little one — into the pocket of her jacket and reached for the wooden grip of the Kalashnikov .
26 Jackie stood up and reached for the bottle .
27 ‘ Oh bother ! ’ she allowed herself a wee expletive and reached for the telephone daintily with whitened fingers .
28 An elderly lady who had once asked Franz Liszt for his autograph , felt quite faint as Fred took off his kilt and reached for the laces of his boots .
29 ‘ Of course , ’ Kegan said and reached for the intercom on his desk .
30 She pursed her lips and reached for the next letter on the pile of personal correspondence brought in by her secretary .
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