Example sentences of "and therefore [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is no evidence of diminishing case-fatality rates among untreated patients , and therefore no evidence for the diminution of virulence favoured by some historians ( see McKeown and Record 1963 ) .
2 Staff managers have no line authority and therefore no responsibility for what actually happens .
3 There were no older workers in the factory and therefore no tradition of workplace organization and militancy for the workforce to call on .
4 Essentially , until the 1980s , central government had no final sanction over an individual local authority 's decision to spend and therefore no way , except persuasion or financial penalties , of achieving its objective .
5 Where there is no fee charged by the appointing authority for the appointment there would be no " consideration " and therefore no contract .
6 I am sorry I have not been up to see you but , as you know , I have no job and therefore no income and no car , so life is both difficult and cold ( as I can not keep the heating on at home all day ) .
7 No close scrutiny and therefore no exposure age has been established .
8 On his death there were then no freehold estates to pass and therefore no liability to feudal dues .
9 They had little or no permanence and cohesion and therefore no organisation and no prospect of standing up for their rights .
10 He was just beginning to worry about his fuel situation when he was called into the searchlight area , only to be fired on by A.A. He advised Control that he was coming in to land and requested that the flare path be lit , but was advised that there was still an alert in force and therefore no flare path could be employed .
11 There is representation in a language but no knowledge , and therefore no thought in the human sense .
12 The court held that the false description 40 days later was not associated with the sale and therefore no offence was committed under section J. This does not mean that the offence can be committed only by the immediate supplier .
13 She was not afraid of the soldier , who was probably one of Sir Guy fitzAlan 's men and therefore no threat to her .
14 I was injured and therefore no use to Jack — except to act as a beater !
15 There is thus no temptation resisted and therefore no virtue gained .
16 It is only through difference , by which the same becomes other and produces a tissue of differences , that history could ever take place : for if full presence were possible , then there would be no difference , and therefore no time , space — or history .
17 Since neither [ defendant ] had at the time of the removal of the goods from the shelves and of the label switching assumed all the rights of the owner , there was no appropriation and therefore no theft .
18 I fully agree with my noble and learned friend 's observation that the dictum in Morris has led to confusion and complication where those in de facto control have been charged with theft from a company and I , too , consider , on the basis ( which he assumes only for the sake of argument ) that the Morris dictum is correct , that it would be wrong , when a person who by virtue of his position in the company constitutes ‘ the directing mind and will of the company ’ is accused of stealing from the company , to acquit that person on the ground that , in his capacity as the company , he has consented to the taking ( by himself ) of the company 's property , with the result that no appropriation , and therefore no theft , has occurred .
19 So no collagen and therefore no skeleton ; no muscle and consequently no movement .
20 It will be assessed automatically and therefore no application is necessary .
21 It is understood that the ANLT is by no means complete ( no rule-based grammars are ) and therefore no complaint can reasonably be made when a sentence such as ( 3 ) fails to produce a parse .
22 The usual answer to this is to advise the managers to subscribe their shares as early as possible in the arrangements preceding the buy-out , so it can be demonstrated that , at the time they subscribe , there is no commitment from the institutions to invest , and therefore no certainty that the buy-out will proceed .
23 The gift of shares was treated as being a transfer of value of the relevant part of the settled property , and therefore no exemption was available as a gift of property to a charity in accordance with para 15(3) ( ba ) , Sch 6 , FA 1975 , according to the Chancery Division of the High Court in Powell-Cotton v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 663 .
24 The Group has no present intention to dispose of the AUK Notes and therefore no tax provision has been made for the potential liability to corporation tax .
25 Reduced need for official reserves With floating , there should in theory be no need for official intervention in foreign exchange markets , and therefore no need to accumulate large stocks of official reserves .
26 The senses of winding of the primary turns N' 1 and N' 2 are such that when there is no magnetic flux in the core of this second transformer and therefore no signal registered by the detector .
27 Land which in 1947 had little development value , and therefore no claim or only a small claim on the fund , may at some future date acquire considerable development value .
28 Concentrating on the single issue , the conference talks — for there can be no debates — pose no questions , and therefore no reason to tone down emotions .
29 The ‘ small hard town ’ as Thomson called it , whatever his loving reminiscences of its Fishertown or nearby magic streams , has , alas , no Johnsonian or Boswellian relevance , and therefore no reason — this time anyway — to linger .
30 She had , as far as he knew , no reason to be curious , and therefore no reason to dissemble her curiosity .
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