Example sentences of "and suggest that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Many M16 officers made no pretence at co-operation as a desirable aim , instilling in some of the newer men a conviction that M15 saw its main purpose to encroach on M16 domains , and suggesting that all such moves should be pre-empted .
2 These scenes heighten the tension and suggest that all will end in tragedy .
3 They estimate its thickness at between 100 and 400 m , and suggest that all the observations are consistent with its having a low rather than a high velocity .
4 So riddled with complexities has this question proved to be that one is tempted to follow the example of the legendary definition of folk song — ‘ all songs are folk songs ; I never heard horses sing 'em ’ — and suggest that all music is popular music : popular with someone .
5 Er so we are all very keen to see this get these extra fire fighters but as he has n't identified the source for which they could pay more , this believes that fifty thousand pounds which slices , there is a good way of doing it and suggest that that 's the way we should do it .
6 Again the higher values were measured by Robertson Research , and suggest that these strata were formerly buried to depths and temperatures sufficient to generate oil under a thick blanket of Permo-Triassic rocks that has since been removed .
7 In this chapter I first consider the underlying rules for associative learning and suggest that some useful general principles have already been uncovered .
8 This evidence lends weight to the supposition that most quasars are the active nuclei of normal galaxies — not necessarily giant galaxies — and suggest that any hydrogen-rich system might be triggered into such activity .
9 R. W. Gibson and J. A. Pickett of Rothamsted Experimental Station in Harpenden believe their discovery to be the first example of a food crop plant using insect pheromones in this way , and suggest that this mode of protection could be introduced to cultivated species ( Nature .
10 Taylor and Ford ( 1983 : 183 ) note that ‘ the distinction between the ’ young ’ and the ‘ old ’ elderly is now commonplace' and suggest that this is manifested in , among other factors , the greater likelihood that the old elderly live in poor housing and that they have incomes below or near the supplementary-benefit rate .
11 Popular images of parent-child relationships put them in a special category , distinct from other kin relationships , and suggest that this is where we will find the strongest feelings of duty and obligation .
12 These observations provide the first direct evidence that the early stages of T-cell development depend on fibroblast products and suggest that this effect is unlikely to be mediated solely by soluble factors .
13 We conclude that acute cigarette smoking causes a significant fall in gastric secretion ( Vg ) , and suggest that this results in raised gastrin values that have a tropic effect on the parietal cell , thereby accounting for the raised secretory capacity of chronic smokers .
14 It is not particularly difficult to get rose cuttings to sprout roots , and to suggest that that is all one needs to do to raise new plants of any and all roses is to mislead by disregarding why all the trouble is taken to propagate H.T.s , Floribundas and many more by budding and , less often , by grafting .
15 Yet Lankester often ignored this warning in his own work , and suggested that all forms of life can be ranked into grades defined by the point at which they branched off from the main line of progress towards humankind .
16 The Minister of Law and Order denied any police responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had committed suicide .
17 We restricted our comments to the design of pending trials in the United States that are a matter of considerable debate , and suggested that such trials should be comparative precisely because , as and say , ‘ it is not known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit ’ .
18 Some have taken the official statistics at their face value and suggested that such violence is the infrequent action of a few psychologically disturbed men .
19 With the bulk of the province 's French-speaking population opposing the agreement on the grounds that its concessions to their province were insufficient , Parizeau was optimistic of his party 's chances of winning power in Quebec 's next provincial elections — due by 1994 — and suggested that such a development would be followed by a provincial referendum on the issue of sovereignty for Quebec .
20 The authors attributed this to low-frequency jumping between the two attractors , and suggested that such behaviour may lie at the root of the puzzling low-frequency noise spectra displayed in many nonlinear physical systems — systems as diverse as electrical resistors , biological membranes and automobile traffic flow .
21 He used red bulls for preference among the Angus , and suggested that this recessive colour factor probably arose from the use of red Durhams ( originating from Dutch cattle ) two centuries earlier .
22 These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time ( Quick , 1966 ) .
23 The report of that research — Accident risk and behavioural patterns of younger drivers , published last year — showed that more than a third of the men aged 17 to 25 were assessed as ‘ unsafe ’ drivers , and suggested that this had more to do with lifestyle than with driving skills .
24 In 1934 Lord Trenchard , the Metropolitan Police Commissioner , had written to the Home Secretary complaining that the BUF had passed false information with regard to a communist plot to attack the Holloway branch and an alleged IFL plan to attack the Chelsea headquarters , and suggested that this mischievous nonsense would best be dealt with by outlawing the fascist movement .
25 He reconstructed the present land masses into a single super-continent called Pangaea and suggested that this had initially split into two continents , Gondwanaland ( Gondwana ) to the south and Laurasia to the north , before further rupture and drift resulted in the familiar shape and location of the continents today .
26 Firstly Chen [ 18 ] has shown that binding to GGCC in CATGGCCATG is slower than to TATGGCCATA and suggested that this might be because actinomycin molecules , stacking at the ends of the former duplex , can alter the DNA structure so as to facilitate further drug binding .
27 In an interview which he gave in this year , he expressed his disappointment at the recent development of English poetry and suggested that any " creative advance " would come in prose fiction or in poetic drama : this is clearly what he himself was aiming at , as if he felt he could achieve in drama what he had already achieved in poetry .
28 Rothman ( 1989 ) extends Bernstein 's critique and suggests that many social workers use manipulative and directive techniques under the guise of self-determination .
29 He does not , however , allow for the possible effects of the pneumonic form of the disease , and suggests that another epidemic , possibly of typhus , may have been responsible .
30 Stoddart uses a rate of rainwater solution of emerged reef limestones of 10–20 mm ( 0.4–0.8 in ) per 1000 years and suggests that this is not enough to destroy reefs in glacial periods , the last of which he reckons to have lasted 60 000 years .
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