Example sentences of "and decide [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Choosing the right inhibitor ( which may need to include anti-freeze ) and deciding on the correct procedure ( which may involve cleansing the system first ) is not always easy .
2 The story is still very much one of departments making steady progress in establishing information systems , trying to acquire the relevant basic financial skills , feeling their way towards some rudimentary output and performance measures and deciding on the best approach to reorganising departmental structures and responsibilities .
3 A happy working relationship is vital , and Jane and I quickly arrived at joint decisions about the project , choosing the clothes I would wear — light jacket , dark blue shirt and jeans — and deciding against the use of corny props ‘ appropriate ’ to my profession , such as books , a typewriter , or a bottle .
4 Look at your diary of the seven to ten days of recorded eating and decide on the major sources of sugar present .
5 IN MID-SUMMER , contemplating a day on the beach , Truronians will cast an eye skywards and decide on the instant whether to head for the north coast or the south .
6 All you have to do is choose the date you want to go on holiday and decide on the destination and we will choose the accommodation for you — offering you an unbeatable deal on the price of your holiday .
7 She will be able to give you a great deal too , if you are prepared to open your mind to her memories and experience of life , realising the significance of her ‘ past ’ to your ‘ present ’ ; and when you understand that the old are by no means always on the receiving end of their relationships , then you are ready to assemble the love , time , patience and energy you have to offer , and decide on the best way of presenting them .
8 The journalists gathered in knots to compare notes and decide on the best angle on the story .
9 10.30am It 's Alan 's job to set up the picture , arrange various props and decide on the complicated lighting .
10 The courts look at the effect that costs will have on that person 's financial position and decide on the facts whether severe financial hardship will be suffered .
11 It is a wonderful opportunity to see the major suppliers and decide on the lists you want to consider .
12 of course , the system will need to have the ability to examine the status of each applicant in turn , and decide on the appropriate action .
13 ‘ I buy my own clothes , Luke — and decide on the colour . ’
14 The following are all exercises in which you must look at phonetically transcribed material from different English accents , and decide on the best way to transcribe them phonemically .
15 It sounded a pleasant , civilised household to settle in until he had time to look around him and decide about the future .
16 ‘ A political community which has the capacity to make public choices , providing a public which is able to assemble , to enter into a dialogue and decide about the needs of the community as a whole is the uniquely demanding challenge facing the public domain . ’
17 There are , of course , cases where a newspaper wishes to publish material which is unlawful as the law at present stands , although there is some prospect that if the Attorney-General takes action an appeal court will overturn an earlier decision and decide in the newspaper 's favour .
18 In the end , of course , we had to compromise , and decided on the following priorities : the Puffin Picture Book Spinner must be produced in quantities realistic for the UK trade , it must look bright and cheery , it must last , it must be user friendly and capable of categorising titles by various methods .
19 And erm we 've talked about it in committee and decided on the menu that is six forty .
20 She rejected the beef curry with rice as too much of an unknown quantity — full of apples and curry powder she suspected — and decided on the steak and kidney pie with chips .
21 Council officers conducted a survey to see where it could be usefully installed and decided on the railway centre and museum in North Road , Civic Theatre and booking office , Tubwell Row museum and offices at Houndgate .
22 The king ordered these disputes to be heard and decided by the King 's Council on 28 June 1326 .
23 We think that it is now time to review past demonstrations and to decide on the next steps .
24 In November it was agreed that a Constituent Assembly should be created to draw up a schedule of meetings to be held on each of the four Windward Islands in 1991 and to decide on the form of the proposed referendum to be held in each state .
25 All other teams are instantly relagated to shiteball teams and have no say in what they do or if they are honoured by an invitation from the team of the universe to play them then the scum also have the right to select the opposition team and to decide on the appropriate scoreline before the match begins .
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