Example sentences of "and send [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the patient was okay , it was a false alarm , please thank them and send them on their way .
2 You 'd see two fellows fighting in the street — you 'd pull them up and send them on their way .
3 Get full statements from them and send them on their way . ’
4 Shorten the legs of that ugly iron bedstead , hack off the top and bottom rails and send them for salvage .
5 If you have the spare points put a couple of heroes on Pegasi and send them into the sky where they can cover the field .
6 The first survivors who reached the shore regrouped up the estuary past the bony tangles of mangrove in the forest at the arranged meeting place ; they were met there by a waiting group of islanders , men and women , ready to re-arm them and send them into battle .
7 I would like to take each tent by the comer and pull it down , and I would untether all the neat horses and the sleek , brushed bulls and send them with a huge cry into all the hills .
8 You will either get the four nos of the Synopsis from the work room drawing portfolio , in Government House and send them with the larger copy .
9 Just jot down your tips and ideas , including drawings if appropriate , and send them to us .
10 If you want to make money , breed dogs and send them to America ’ .
11 Just jot down your tips and ideas , including drawings if appropriate , and send them to us .
12 There was no proper funeral , as there had been no proper wedding ceremony ; they simply hauled the waterlogged body onto a bonfire of driftwood , and even though the sea wind at dawn had made the fire hot enough to break the stones of the beach , it was six hours before the body was gone , and then they had to wait a whole day before they could rake the ashes for his bones and send them to her .
13 I think therefore it would be advisable to make the necessary adjustments in the costumes and send them to me as soon as possible .
14 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
15 He used to write his poems on silk and send them to his wife far down the river .
16 We got to thinking that if we came to Los Angeles regularly we could make these shows all the time and send them to English-speaking countries all over the world .
17 To operate the service Sistelcom has set up a National Management and Operations Centre , seven regional centres , which receive the calls , process , multiplex and send them to the central system , a series of base stations , six 9,600bps tie lines to connect the national centre and the regional centres , and signal distribution tie lines via satellite .
18 He has told each of Russia 's 88 regions and autonomous republics to chose two representatives and send them to Moscow on June 5th .
19 I would entreat your Honour to muster thirty men and send them to us and put shoes on board with them , for we have committed one great error in not putting shoes on board with the last , which was occasioned by means of a dispute we had with our cobblers about the price .
20 She would then freeze and code the brain samples and send them to me — ; by air , as there were no other practical links — in Canberra .
21 Perhaps you 'd like to save the stamps from the envelopes and send them to Oxfam .
22 Otherwise , use two or more cards , attach entry token to the top postcard and send them to us in an envelope .
23 Small booksellers often do n't have time to see however many reps would be calling on them ; they would much rather put all their orders together and send them to Hammicks or to Heathcote or whoever ; we will work with them on that .
24 For example , in 1948 de Gaulle sponsored a so-called " stamp campaign " , in which citizens were invited to buy special 50 franc stamps and send them to the General 's home in the village of Colombey-les-deux-Eglises .
25 To disappear the young men into their own terrain , make use of every cave and wood ( and send them over the water if need be ) ?
26 Then if you feel it is appropriate , address them to their homes and send them by registered mail .
27 Their company seemed to drain me and send me into a state of nervous exhaustion after even a short while .
28 They 'd be sorry for me , they 'd give me whisky and aspirins and send me to a psychiatrist .
29 His subsequent career has been a switchback which reached its nadir five years ago , when Thomas Hearns produced a devastating right to the chin to knock him out and send him into retirement .
30 His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time , once his whereabouts were discovered , for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth .
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