Example sentences of "and speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , I should mention that all Parish Council meetings are open to the public and you or any member of the PCC may attend and speak during the ‘ Open Forum ’ part of the meeting .
2 Being a good and persuasive talker is a must for this work as you may have to get up and speak at a sales conference or at an agency presentation .
3 Her husband died in 1909 but Mary Sumner continued to write and speak for the Mothers ' Union , taking a keen interest in all that was being done .
4 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
5 We stopped briefly a couple of times , presumably for checkpoints and , as on other occasions , the driver would sometimes get out and speak to the people manning them .
6 I think that you 've made the point that those who are concerned must go and , and speak to the clerk and look at the er specifications
7 ‘ I always tried very hard to provide a good service and I used to go out and speak to the passengers to make sure they were satisfied , ’ she said .
8 Future Neil Kinnocks — or David Blunketts or Michael Meachers or even Ken Livingstones — will find that their best strategy in their early years in national politics will be to act and speak in a way that appeals to ordinary television-watching , newspaper-reading Labour Party members , rather than to the left 's hyperactivists .
9 Maria saw her mission to go out to act and speak in the desert of human hearts .
10 I turn to defence and security issues , and speak as the leader of the United Kingdom delegation to the Western European Union and to the Council of Europe .
11 In between courses he would wash his hands in the air and speak with a pulpit authority laced with a show of charm .
12 No , I never pick up the phone , they do that , pick up one phone and speak for a minute , while that ones ringing they say hold on a minute , and pick up the other one .
13 Get out and speak for the organization today , and be honest .
14 I will probably widen the scope a little and speak for the list … so if there are any questions loosely related to the topic of transfers and mid-long term strategy etc … forward them to me so i can compile a list .
15 I will probably widen the scope a little and speak for the list … so if there are any questions loosely related to the topic of transfers and mid-long term strategy etc … forward them to me so i can compile a list .
16 This is the impact that a speaker has when they stand up and speak to a group of people .
17 The last task of the day for the humanitarian branch is to visit the village of Mammari and speak to the local farmers .
18 Pick up the phone and speak to the person concerned .
19 Though they crunch the same numbers and speak to the same executives , the agencies ' analysts have reached markedly different conclusions .
20 Go and speak to the old man of the woods .
21 This inflicted great sorrow on their families , for without burial of the flesh , the victims would become phantoms and speak to the living without ever finding rest .
22 Finally , the shaman ( priest ) of the tribe decided to go alone to the top of the hill and speak to the Great Spirits .
23 You can go to the hearing and speak to the Appeal Committee yourself .
24 Then Minch would talk quietly to Creggan and speak of the lore of golden eagles which his parents had begun to tell him .
25 Even if one were to , as I do , empathize with sophisticated functional Marxism of , say , G. A. Cohen and speak of the compatibility or incompatibility of certain sets of cultural forms with certain other sets of production relations , one would still be looking for an explanation of the specific properties of those cultural forms .
26 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
27 But how many people do you know who smile broadly at you , and speak in a calm and controlled manner , when all along they are fuming inside and never show it ?
28 I swallow and speak in a tremor .
29 Pray and speak in the church , and search the forge for money .
30 ‘ I am Montague , Earl of Salisbury , and speak in the name of the most illustrious Edward , by God 's grace King of England , France , Ireland and Wales , and Lord Paramount of Scotland .
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