Example sentences of "and perhaps for the " in BNC.

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1 Just as important for the future of Denmark 's European policy — and perhaps for the future of European integration — was the size of the No vote .
2 And these are matters that we are , and will be for the future the immediate future and perhaps for the more distant future thoroughly engaged upon because there are very deep questions here and the sacramental one hinges upon the ecclesial one .
3 I do n't want to raise your hopes too much , Rebecca , but I think what , er the idea behind this , I er , thing is , families with two tellies , paying twenty pounds extra for the second set , and perhaps for the third set , another twenty pounds , it 's to try and lessen the burden on viewers who genuinely ca n't afford the existing licence fee as it is now , and Rebecca , I would have thought that you would 've fallen into that category .
4 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
5 Suddenly , and perhaps for the first time , Shirley Brown felt a twinge of affection for the lonely little woman who seemed far more aware of what was going on than any of them .
6 Erm and also to prevent the handicapped people and perhaps for the very elderly it can be a little bit of an adventure .
7 The reason why I 'm asking the question is that if for example , Richard 's responsible for a form and perhaps for the master of it , that does n't mean to say that you 've actually got the folders in your office .
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