Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [vb mod] cause " in BNC.

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1 Information concerning or identifying another pupil should not be disclosed , and information , the disclosure of which might cause serious harm to the mental or physical health or emotional condition of the pupil or anyone else , or which indicates that the pupil has or may be likely to suffer child abuse , should not be disclosed .
2 The child 's greed is obstructing awareness of consequences the facing of which would cause him to refrain ; therefore to let the impulse to refrain prevail over the impulse to eat is a causally necessary condition of obeying the imperative .
3 Before this time , as Froissart was to note and Edward III to experience , many towns had no proper defences other than what could be provided by ditches and water works , neither of which would cause a determined army much trouble .
4 These plants , part or all of which may cause ill effects , can all be found in this country .
5 Similarly , in Moore v Central Electricity Generating Board , 1974 IRLR 296 — the facts of which may cause those interested in civil liberties some concern — an employee who had been held in custody for one month pending trial was dismissed after being convicted not of the original charge preferred but of related offences .
6 Sometimes the testicles suffer from under or over-suspension , either of which can cause discomfort , but this is unlikely to have been caused by a vasectomy operation .
7 These include pennyroyal , clove , sage , thyme , bay hyssop and sweet marjoram , some of which can cause miscarriage .
8 As a result just one Bq of Caesium-137 , contained in one litre of milk , will undergo a tiny explosion every second ; 60 explosions every minute , 3,600 explosions every hour or a total of three to seven million tiny atomic explosions in its stay in our bodies — any one of which can cause cell mutations which eventually lead to cancer or genetic damage .
9 Paper production involves a number of chemicals , the disposal of which can cause environmental problems .
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