Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [vb mod] happen " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , the purpose of the Family Fellowships is to help family members with their own feelings and recovery , regardless of whatever may happen to the primary sufferer .
2 As for the first , it should be remembered that for an Epicurean the worst pain is the groundless fear of what may happen after death , and that excessive unnatural desires are painful too .
3 ‘ I 'm scared of what may happen when the children go back .
4 But , even then , it may fail and it should again be emphasised that family members benefit from their own sake from involvement in the Family Fellowships regardless of what may happen to the primary sufferer .
5 It is very worrying in terms of what may happen in the northern hemisphere " .
6 According to the director of the survey , Dr John Innes : " The results provide an indication of what may happen if summers in Britain become warmer because of the greenhouse effect .
7 In Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Diplock LJ said " It is natural … to tend to look at what in fact happened under the agreement ; but the question of the validity of a covenant in restraint of trade has to be determined at the date at which the agreement was entered into and has to be determined in the light of what may happen under the agreement , although what may happen may be and always is different in some respects from what did happen .
8 ‘ I could n't bear to think of the future , of what would happen to her when we got old , if we got ill , when we died , or worse — whether she would only live a few years , ’ she says .
9 Peter Watkins made his first feature , Privilege ( 1967 ) , for an American company , after his astonishing depiction of what would happen if a nuclear bomb fell on Kent , The War Game ( 1965 ) , had been banned by the BBC .
10 I was well aware of what would happen and I just have to accept it . ’
11 ‘ Two days ago we got a dire warning of what would happen under Labour .
12 This was the question of what would happen to the material left over when the uranium rods had finished producing their electricity , when the exciting part of the process was over .
13 This was the thorny question of what would happen eventually to the reactor 's residue of radioactive waste .
14 We took Fujichrome , shot it at 5000 ASA and developed it at about 6400 ASA , we just pushed the shit out of it and we had no idea of what would happen . ’
15 ‘ Sometimes , ’ he went on in a low voice , ‘ I lie awake at night thinking of what would happen to this place if you should die without issue . ’
16 He shifted restlessly on the bed , thinking of what would happen if he should die without issue .
17 The problem of the slowed rate of spin of the Sun and its large mass was solved when post-war scientists looked beyond the dynamics of what would happen to purely solid bodies functioning according to Newtonian laws .
18 We children were huddled together , scared of what would happen .
19 He did n't want to think of what would happen if his mother discovered that he had been out of the house .
20 " Are you frightened of what would happen ? " she asked now .
21 Of the rest , of what would happen tonight , she did not want to think .
22 Although the sun shone bright and hot , I hated the thought of Treasure Island , afraid of what would happen there .
23 If one activity is not taxed and everything else is , resources tend to shift to that activity in excess of what would happen if people had free choice .
24 The degree of formality ranged from elaborate and schematic written documents to a simple mental rehearsal of what would happen next .
25 I know that Eric was interested in seeing a panzer division on the move and being so close to the enemy but I could see him getting paler and paler , probably at the thought of what would happen if we were stopped .
26 Not so much of what would happen .
27 It was a demonstration of what would happen if Franco were not there to impose order .
28 They 're based on simple qualitative calculus of what would happen if natural selection operated this way .
29 In terms of what would happen if this if you felt unable well if there was not a general location specified in the structure plan , then there are two two two ways forward .
30 They are complied with because of the recognition of what would happen if they were not complied with .
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