Example sentences of "of [det] countries ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , in some countries previously without a daily paper it has been the government which has started one : there would probably be no daily newspaper in the Central African Republic , Botswana , Niger , Mauritania or Chad had each of these countries ' governments not decided to finance one .
2 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
3 Now see how many of these countries ' capital cities you can name and fit them into the grid .
4 The multilateralism they sought to construct was a reduction and eventual abolition of all countries ' restrictions on trade and investment , such as those on the convertibility of one currency into another and on foreign investments , as well as import duties and import quotas .
5 Thus the central and distinctive features of ‘ voluntarism ’ in Britain , arbitration courts in Australia and Denmark , and the concept of ‘ exclusive ’ bargaining representation in the United States emerged early in the formation of those countries ' industrial relations ( Kerr et al . ,
6 The waste had originally been exported to Belgium for reprocessing , in contravention of both countries ' laws .
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