Example sentences of "of [noun pl] officer [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since Leith would be looking for an employer too — a new employer — she made enquiries , and soon secured an interview for the job of contracts officer with a small firm in London called Ardis & Co .
2 The Minister has few suggestions on how to combat that problem and the Government have cut the number of customs officers by 400 .
3 increase in robberies on Merseyside in the past 13 years , does the Minister agree that the freeing of police officers through the civilianisation of posts should give Merseyside police the chance to put more policemen back on to the beat ?
4 Indeed the number of police officers per thousand of population in the Thames Valley has not increased since nineeteen sixty eight , although demands on the police here have trebled .
5 There were further reports of killings of police officers during November .
6 New policing strategies The commitment of large numbers of police officers to the task of keeping the pits open made it impossible for the National Union of Mineworkers to achieve a total shut-down in domestic coal production .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the allocation of police officers to West Yorkshire .
8 Those incidents are a salutary reminder of the dedication of police officers to protecting the public .
9 The investigation concentrates mainly on how the actual working role of officers has changed and examines any possible changes in attitude of police officers to the work or to each other due to the Sex Discrimination Act .
10 Can he give some information about the way in which the Government can encourage the greater recruitment of traffic wardens up to full complement in police forces and encourage the better use of those wardens so that they make the best possible contribution to the maintenance of traffic flow and the release of police officers for the control of crime ?
11 ‘ The benefits of such a development would be a renewal of public confidence and a reawakening of the morale of police officers of all ranks . ’
12 There is a very high proportion of police officers on the beat , although it varies from force to force .
13 A second feature of public order policing highlighted by the miners ' strike was the use of èlite groups of police officers within each police force .
14 ‘ At present , only about one per cent of police officers in England and Wales and about 1.5 per cent of Metropolitan Police officers are from racial minorities . ’
15 The Watch Committee 's dismissal of one Liverpool constable in 1843 illustrates the orthodox explanation of the rapid turnover of police officers in the early years , when a force such as the Metropolitan could lose one-third of its work-force annually .
16 They were : ( a ) murders in the course or furtherance of theft , ( b ) murders by shooting or causing an explosion , ( c ) murders in the course or for the purpose of resisting lawful arrest or of escaping from legal custody , ( d ) murders of police officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them , and ( e ) murders by prisoners of prison officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them .
17 So consequently after eighty one , or after the troubles in eighty one , erm there was an extra allocation of police officers in , and they were told to police mainly the area of the Flats Complex , which was perhaps where the troubles where in .
18 There are thousands of police officers in the 17 drugs wings who are accountable to the police authorities , and my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary and I come to this place to answer questions about them .
19 SCORES of police officers in full riot gear flooded into Maghera today for the funeral of IRA man James Kelly , one of four Roman Catholics murdered by the UFF at Castlerock .
20 Rioting following acquittals of police officers in Rodney King case
21 The prosecution of police officers in connection with the case was to be considered .
22 Indictment of police officers in King case
23 In his annual report he says : The confidence of police officers in our trial system is now so low urgent reform is needed .
24 Meanwhile , after the Baltic Exchange bomb last year , the Corporation of London increased the number of police officers by 40 at a cost £1.5m , the extra cost being mainly borne by the large financial institutions .
25 If Strathclyde increased the number of police officers by 200 to the complement that it deserves , there would be a much stronger law and order policy there .
26 The committee proposes relaxation of height requirements and an equal opportunities policy ‘ based on a genuine commitment to increase the proportion of police officers from the ethnic minorities to match the proportion in the local population . ’
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