Example sentences of "of [noun] pick [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The original version of Illustrator picked up several awards but neither was nor is a mainstream graphics tool in the same way as MacDraw has become .
2 That changes how women feel about themselves and generates a web of activities to pick up the pieces kept hidden when pain is kept private .
3 I prefer to let the game be fun , with little concern for competition , but sometimes children like to see who takes the shortest number of dives to pick up all the treasure .
4 Their use as a screen or selector seems to dictate the curriculum rather than merely to reflect it , and to bring it about that easily measurable accomplishments should be given priority , the repeating of acquired factual information , or the mechanical performance of skills picked up without understanding .
5 Is not social work the application of skills picked up in the ‘ University of Life ’ and do we not all know what deprived infants and troublesome adolescents need ?
6 ‘ It was very muddled because she 'd pieced it together out of bits of gossip picked up here and there .
7 There was no sign of any devastation or a struggle , except where the pool of light picked out the broken , gutted cat .
8 That same pool of light picked out a half-smoked cigar on the edge of an ashtray , a partly consumed sandwich , and several mugs of cold tea .
9 Shafts of light picked out cones of cigarette smoke .
10 He had also a box of groceries to pick up and some wooden and cardboard boxes that he thought would be useful for Willie 's room .
11 In most cases heads of faculty picked up general issues that had emerged during the reporting process e.g. public image , relationships between subject departments , staff support ( or lack of it ) for extra-curricular activities .
12 Could we have a board game called The Yorkshire Ripper where you throw dice to travel around the red-light areas of Yorkshire picking up points for prostitutes encountered on the way ?
13 Among particularly serious instances of pollution picked out in the report were the following : , Heavy use of pesticides polluting rivers across the crop growing areas of the Russian republic ; , Untreated industrial effluent from the Volga slowly killing off the marine life of the Caspian Sea ; , High levels of dioxin in mothers ' milk in Moscow ; , The continuing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident , rendering much of the countryside of the Ukraine and Belorussia uncultivatable ; , Waste from aluminium factories in Uzbekistan , poisoning the land for miles around .
14 Most distinctive feature is graceful dipping flight , often stooping to surface of water to pick up insects , but very rarely diving in .
15 On reaching corner of hedge , right of way proceeds quarter left , aiming for left-hand side of small conifer plantation just in front of which cross footbridge and proceed to left of plantation to pick up track leading uphill to village of Bag Enderby ( a ) .
16 We saw lots of people picking up stones erm from around , by the edges of the roads and making little piles and they would then get picked up by lorries and I should think they 'd get a , a couple of pence through doing that .
17 Through their researches , I know that many of these events are the result of creatures picking up subtle cues from the environment which we , with all our " hi-tech " equipment , are quite unable to detect .
18 If , we have run out of leaflets pick up John !
19 In a fog I crawled out of bed to pick up a blanket which had fallen on the floor , and as I did so I glanced through into the living room and made out , in the darkness , Changez Lying on his camp-bed watching me .
20 Pricing will depend on the number of modules picked up , entry level price is £5,000 and up .
21 Percentage of dust picked up : 95–100% — excellent 90–94% — very good 84–89% — good Below 84% — satisfactory
22 Worse was expected to come as industrial and domestic consumption of electricity picked up after the attrition of the war years .
23 The calculated , dictated fairness that the ration book represented went on into the new decade , and when we moved from Hammersmith to Streatham Hill in 1951 there were medicine bottles of orange juice and jars of Virol to pick up from the baby clinic for my sister .
24 Also at about the same moment as the homing rat disappeared into the maze of runs under the city , scurrying along in faultless obedience to an ancient instinct , the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork picked up the letters delivered that morning by albatross .
25 stating that there is a jack C such that in the past , there was an event A of John picking up C.
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