Example sentences of "of [noun] to treatment " in BNC.

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1 Levels of aggression , a highly male-identified characteristic , are usually studied in women by using passive experimental designs , which vary factors such as story content , sex of the other person in the experiment , or order of exposure to treatment .
2 Yes indeed , I mean many argue that in fact a law was n't required , and that the common law , as it 's developed and grown and , for example , in the Quinlan case , says that the withdrawal of treatment , the withholding of consent to treatment , is entirely lawful ; and some might argue that , by giving a law like this , which is rather narrowly drawn , you 've taken away a lot ; in other words , a doctor will feel , this I can do , but the other I ca n't do .
3 If the parental right terminates , it would follow that , apart from the court , the only person competent to consent would be the child and a refusal of consent to treatment would indirectly constitute an effective veto on the treatment itself .
4 The purpose of consent to treatment
5 The wording of subsection ( 1 ) shows quite clearly that it is addressed to the legal purpose of legal effect of consent to treatment , namely , to prevent such treatment constituting in law a trespass to the person , and that it does so by making the consent of a 16- or 17-year-old as effective as if he were ‘ of full age . ’
6 The effect of consent to treatment by the minor or someone else with authority to give it is limited to protecting the medical or dental practitioner from claims for damages for trespass to the person .
7 Nor does a patient who refuses consent in some circumstances necessarily give a true refusal of consent to treatment in any quite different circumstances which may arise : an example is to be found in Werth v. Taylor ( 1991 ) 475 N.W.2d 426 .
8 T. ( Adult : Refusal of Consent to Treatment ) , In re [ 1992 ] 3 W.L.R. 782 , C.A.
9 I do so in the knowledge that the fundamental question appears to have been left open by Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re T. ( Adult : Refusal of Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] 3 W.L.R. 782 , and in the knowledge that there is no English authority which is directly in point .
10 In addition to tightening up the compulsory admission and detention procedures , the new Act tries to deal with the difficult issue of consent to treatment .
11 I think they have very little say from the point of diagnosis to treatment of anything .
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