Example sentences of "the same reasons [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is for the same reasons that I would now support the denationalization of British Rail .
2 For the same reasons that the female is more likely to acquire infection in the throat than her male sexual partner , the homosexual male who practises oral sex is more likely to be infected in the throat than his heterosexual equivalent .
3 Frey 's attempt to discredit these ‘ simple ’ desires will not work here ; and for the same reasons that it was finally discredited earlier in this chapter .
4 The wording of the EPC , however , is difficult to apply to morality issues surrounding genetically engineered organisms for exactly the same reasons that difficulties arise over ‘ essentially biological processes ’ — the drafters of the convention did not envisage patenting of plants and animals .
5 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
6 In the same manner and for the same reasons that Ravenna became the capital for the western part of the Roman Empire , the lagoons on the northern shore of the Adriatic became a refuge for people fleeing from barbarian attack .
7 It seemed to be in permanent decline , possibly for some of the same reasons as the Liberals after 1918 .
8 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
9 Few there are who would speak in favour of cruelty to animals , as thus understood , and I take it that , whatever else our differences might be , at least we all agree that cruelty to other animals is morally vile , and morally vile for the same reasons as cruelty to human children , for example .
10 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
11 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
12 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
13 But to the EEC this looked too much like the British proposals of the late 1950s , and it declined the overtures from EFTA for the same reasons as in the past .
14 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
15 In my judgment , and for substantially the same reasons as those given by the judge , the non est factum plea fails .
16 There is , needless to say , no suggestion that the Bank of England are in contempt , and , for the same reasons as have led me to conclude that the injunction is overridden , I should have had no hesitation in varying the injunction if it had been necessary to do so .
17 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
18 Braque was dissatisfied with traditional perspective for many of the same reasons as Picasso .
19 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
20 The same reasons as er , testing , er , you ought to do it as you go .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
22 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
23 Q9 The answer is Yes for the same reasons as Q7 .
24 All involved will need these interfaces for the same reasons as the political and business managers whose decisions are being studied .
25 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
26 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
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