Example sentences of "the same conditions [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When Jack Nicklaus plays in a golf tournament , do you think he is playing under the same conditions as everybody else ?
2 Yet would a white child born into the same conditions as the most disadvantaged inner-city black ( to a drug-taking , teenage , single mother , say ) be more likely to succeed than a black ?
3 Unfortunately , it does not succeed on limey soils but otherwise it needs the same conditions as the brunneras .
4 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
5 These were erected by the Company and run under the same conditions as Wolverton School .
6 Yet the fact of West European industrial growth also had the opposite effect too : these places were not drawn into the new scheme of things in exactly the same way or on exactly the same conditions as France , Britain , Belgium and Holland — the original members of the industrial club .
7 The Magistrate will record the complaint in the words of the party — as he has been instructed by the outdoor proctor — and the case will then go on , subject to the same conditions as at present . ’
8 If you need to contact a local number , you will be subject to the same conditions as everyone else .
9 This meant that Wilson would have to accept from the re-negotiation the same conditions as Heath had accepted , with perhaps a few minor , cosmetic modifications , or else withdraw the United Kingdom out of the EEC .
10 If , for example , the intervention is to run for six weeks , the parents should stop after that time and then repeat the baseline measurements in the same conditions as before .
11 When it was he proceeded to colour it , either from memory , or with colour notes made under the same conditions as the original drawing , paying attention most of all to tonal values and local colour .
12 Unless the base stock was kept for many years in the same conditions as those in which estimates were made , problems could have arisen .
13 Commissioners may , without compulsion , take evidence in one State in aid of court proceedings commenced in another State , on the same conditions as apply under Article 16 .
14 The lifeboat was faced with the same conditions as the Eyemouth lifeboat , and the same difficulties in finding a safe haven .
15 At the conference held in 1888 by the three compositors " unions , the Typographical Association ( English provinces ) , the London Society of Compositors and the Scottish Typographical Association , specifically to discuss the Edinburgh question , the following resolution was passed : That while strongly of the opinion that women are not physically capable of performing the duties of a compositor , the Conference recommends their admission to membership of the various typographical unions upon the same conditions as journeymen , provided always the females are paid strictly in accordance with the scale .
16 Or was the way they engaged with these theoretical explanations of racism governed by the same conditions as applied to their reading of the ‘ primary ’ material ?
17 He submitted that the court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter because the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 empower a justice of the peace to remand a person in custody only if the justice is of the opinion that , inter alia , he has broken a condition of his bail ; otherwise , if not of that opinion , the court must grant bail on the same conditions as were originally imposed .
18 Consequently , Mr. Bell was released on bail on the same conditions as before .
19 As to article 52 , the refusal to register as British fishing vessels boats owned , chartered , managed or operated by nationals of other member states , whether natural or legal persons , deprived those nationals of their right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom in order to pursue their fishing activities under the same conditions as nationals of the United Kingdom .
20 Access to Community waters and quotas would scarcely be feasible by fishing from United Kingdom ports under the flag of another state and , in any event , the United Kingdom would still be discriminating against the nationals of other member states , who would be prevented from pursuing an economic activity under the same conditions as British nationals .
21 Under article 52 they are entitled to set up and manage companies and firms within the meaning of the second paragraph of article 58 under the same conditions as shareholders and directors of British nationality .
22 Time and again we have put down the markers and placed on record that we would regard it as a perfectly reasonable alternative to what exists now if there were a series of companies throughout Scotland which represented the ownership of those at present employed by the Scottish Bus Group under the same conditions as at present and with the same commitment to the current level of services .
23 These provisions include Article 8b(1) , to the effect that ‘ Every citizen of the Union residing in a Member State of which he is not a national shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the Member State in which he resides , under the same conditions as nationals of that State ’ , which has caused considerable debate in some Member States .
24 And the other ninety per cent you reinvest on the same conditions as before . ’
25 Candidates for the degree of MLitt ( Faculty of Arts ) or MPhil ( other Faculties ) by thesis pursue a research project under broadly the same conditions as those applying to PhD candidates , except that the minimum period of study is usually not less than 24 months full-time or 36 months part-time .
26 Provided that if the Lease shall not have been granted within a period of 12 months from the date hereof the Tenant shall be at liberty to assign underlet or otherwise deal with the benefit of this agreement subject to the same conditions as would be applicable to a corresponding transaction if the Lease had then been granted
27 Then , it states that every citizen of the union erm residing in a member state shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the member state in which he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state and that the right shall , not may , but shall be exercised er before the thirty first of December nineteen ninety four by the council acting unanimously on the proposal from the commission and after consulting the European parliament which arrangements may provide the derogations where warranted by problems specific to a member state .
28 Farmoor Reservoir does n't provide quite the same conditions as those off the coast of Brittany .
29 ‘ Under normal tax law , these would have been available to the enlarged group under the same conditions and to the same extent as for any other UK group . ’
30 TXII , a RJ2.2.5 derivative which recovered ability to express MHC class II genes upon transfection with mouse genomic DNA ( 22 ) , was grown in the same conditions and the growth rate was measured for comparison : the doubling time of this transfectant was similar to that exhibited by Raji ( 24 hrs ) .
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