Example sentences of "the same age and " in BNC.

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1 In this case , I am going to assume that there were only girls on the island , and also that they were the same ages and from the same middle-class English background as the boys .
2 We have a very similar Northern background , are roughly the same age and have the same sense of humour .
3 Even people of the same age and sex can differ considerably in the energy they burn up to keep their bodies going .
4 who plays most beautifully and who is the same age and the same size as Wolfgang …
5 In one , for example , a casual labourer and his wife in their sixties lived with a woman of 79 , her son of 57 who was a street matchseller , and six younger tenants ; in another a woman of 68 was subletting to another woman of 65 , a crippled woman of sixty , and two others ; while in a third household a 71-year-old sandwich-man lived with an unrelated widow and widower of the same age and two younger tenants .
6 One way would be to take the cost of buying a car of the same age and then trying to quantify the cost of running it throughout the notice period .
7 Sara and Patsy are much the same age and are very fond of each other .
8 Two in five employers said that a woman the same age and with the same skills as a man would be more likely to be turned down because of her age .
9 We were much the same age and more like sisters than cousins , really . ’
10 Each visitor receives a ‘ passport ’ bearing the story of an actual victim or survivor who was the same age and gender as the visitor .
11 Is it not obviously appropriate , the traditionalists argue , to introduce children of the same age and ability level to new subject areas at the same time ?
12 The last is of interest to parents who wish to know where their child stands in relation to others of about the same age and also , at various levels of aggregation , to teachers , heads , LEAs , the Government and the wider community .
13 Yes , people of the same age and build may have a difference in metabolic rate of up to one-third .
14 Even if her scheme permits her to make additional pension contributions to make up for missing years of service , such payments will cost her more than would be the case for a man of the same age and salary status , since the arrangements assume that a woman will live longer and therefore claim benefits for longer than a man .
15 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
16 Nevertheless , there is even worse to come , for on the other side of the Atlantic in Texas , we find the Austin Chalk of the same age and character , and later Cretaceous chalks ( still contemporaneous with the European development ) are found in Arkansas , Mississippi and Alabama .
17 Five pots of plants of the same age and grown under identical conditions were measured in turn over periods of fifteen to thirty minutes .
18 ‘ We were just the same age and living in the same hole , ’ she said vaguely .
19 ‘ They are about the same age and build , a man and a woman , but beyond that — Some inflammable substance had been poured on them , almost certainly petrol . ’
20 The patients , being the same , have the same abnormalities of their physiological variables at the moment of admission , and also the same age and chronic health status .
21 The same topic , with the same age and ability range of pupils , and the same general style and method of teaching , can yield entirely different results , depending upon the teacher .
22 The second youth was said to be about the same age and was wearing a bright coloured top .
23 ‘ And they are all about the same age and they are all boys who have never been in trouble with the police , but the people who taught them and their family were not exactly surprised at what happened . ’
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