Example sentences of "the first decades [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the main efforts of historians in the first decades of the twentieth century had been directed to putting order into a mass of material , analysing works and documents , and establishing historical data .
2 Building materials were scarce and expensive in the first decades of the nineteenth century , and stucco could cover a multitude of sins , including poor stone or brickwork .
3 In the first decades of the century Lonsdale notes that there were a number of poets , such as Lady Mary Chudleigh , Octavia Walsh , Elizabeth Tollet , and Mehetabel Wright , who worked very much in isolation ; these are not , however , entirely representative since the Restoration ‘ … brought a new confidence and competence to women 's verse … ’
4 In the first decades of occupation it was now evident that far too much effort had been concentrated on the stabilization of the Province in purely military terms and too little attention paid to the feelings and aspirations of the Britons , except through the few carefully selected agents , and there had been a tacit acceptance that the rest would come to accept Rome .
5 The coalmining industry has been a major symbol of the differences between the two main political parties of post-war Great Britain : the Labour party , with its firm commitment — especially in the first decades of the period — to public ownership of the ‘ commanding heights of the economy ’ , and the Conservative party and its much greater ( and increasing from the mid-1970s on ) commitment to free market operations with minimal state interference , let alone ownership .
6 Even in the European North many peasants used old flintlocks right up to the first decades of the twentieth century , and in Siberia the use of bows and spears by Russians was not unknown at least as late as the 1830s .
7 In the first decades of the twentieth century sex education took on great importance within public debate .
8 But the volume of ‘ railway milk ’ traffic grew only slowly in the first decades of railway transport .
9 From it Gregory learnt about the activities of the Franks in the first decades of the fifth century , including their involvement in the civil wars which followed the usurpation by Constantine III .
10 The foreign ministry in St Petersburg was in the first decades of the century ludicrously overstaffed : under Alexander I it gave ostensible employment to well over 700 people ( including the poet Pushkin ) , many of whom had no real duties whatever .
11 Sea Change and its successors have something in them of the career novel , a popular genre in the first decades after the Second World War , as well as the more general intention of inspiring youth to purposeful activity and ambitions .
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