Example sentences of "the first months [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although progress in passing European single market laws was painfully slow during the first months of the French presidency , Paris hands over to Dublin this month amid a last-minute rush of important agreements .
2 For 133 days in 1988 Lyle had led the US Money List , he had won the Phoenix , Greensboro and Masters titles and in the first months of 1989 he twice came second .
3 The first months of the health dispute of 1982 coincided with the Falklands War , but when the war ended public attention returned to it .
4 Most Germans were in expectant but uneasy mood during the first months of 1940 .
5 Rather , it was his inability to end the war which , already in the first months of the Russian campaign and ever more strongly during 1942 , began inexorably to undermine the image of the far-sighted , infallible , and well-intentioned Führer .
6 In the first months of 1945 , the German people regarded itself as Hitler 's gain victim .
7 The only practical problem at the time was that I would have to take the orchestra on its American tour in the first months of 1955 at a time when I was contracted to conduct a new Ring cycle at La Scala , Milan .
8 All this occurred during the first months of the Awlad Amira administration , while Mannaia still smarted from electoral defeat ; and at that time some lineages did not exclude the possibility of further Tibbu reprisals after the earlier fighting and homicides .
9 BOUTS of nausea and vomiting that accompany the first months of pregnancy may be good news for the mother , according to two new theories on the cause of morning sickness .
10 For Papert , the first months of the centre gave the idea of what would be feasible if genuine international cooperation between scientists were encouraged .
11 It is true that certain measures of nationalisation had been undertaken in the first months of Soviet government — for example , the Merchant Marine had been taken over in January 1918 and the sugar industry nationalised in May of that year — but the main efforts had been directed towards a stabilisation and regularisation of the tottering economy on the existing basis of ownership .
12 The id is the centre of primitive desires and is at its most powerful , indeed it is extremely powerful , in the first months of life .
13 We suggest , however , that the tiredness experienced by young couples in the first months of a baby 's life is not just the result of broken nights , change of role , anxiety as to the well-being of so small and vulnerable a being , and doubts about being a good enough parent , but is also related to the strain of exercising a defence against envy of the baby to whom so much care and comfort is offered .
14 This new pregnancy is monitored throughout the nine months , and added support is given throughout the first months of the new baby 's life .
15 This left open the possibility of further Kindertransporte from countries threatened by Germany , but in the first months of the war no one was willing to engage in such defeatist speculation .
16 We have still , in the first months of a new church 's life , known some intractable difficulties where one member finds it impossible not to feel betrayed , usually by the leaders .
17 In the first months of Whitelaw rule , strong-arm cliques began to assert themselves in Belfast .
18 As for the Movement , or the Angry Young Men of the 1950s , the intellectual and popular press were not wrong to believe that a new race of novelists ( and others ) had appeared in the first months of the new reign , soon after the death of George VI ; but the name Movement coined by a Spectator journalist in 1954 never seemed likely to fit for long , or Angry Young Men either ; they never met as a group , though they were ( at least for the most part ) acquainted .
19 It saw a slight recovery of demand for its products by the end of 1992 and during the first months of 1993 .
20 In the first months of 1993 the firm announced a string of other contracts in Siberia and the Urals .
21 By the first months of nineteen forty one , there were ten thousand women in the armed services .
22 In the first months of the war Herbert Morrison had requisitioned thousands of papier mache coffins for emergency use in bombing raids on London alone .
23 The omens for the new state were not encouraging in the first months of its existence .
24 In the first months of Kennedy 's presidency the United States not only undertook a substantial arms build up , but also began to float new ideas in strategic doctrine , most notably Maxwell Taylor 's theory of flexible response .
25 ‘ I was very lethargic but I just put it down to the first months of my pregnancy .
26 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
27 The first months of the year were dominated by curatorial preparations for ‘ The Hebrides Surveyed ’ exhibition .
28 The lira depreciated sharply in the first months of 1991 , however , falling 30 per cent against the US dollar between February and May .
29 According to Western reports , during the first months of 1990 the Khmers Rouges increased their infiltration of fighters and supplies from their border camps into Cambodia proper .
30 There were subsequent waves of evacuation — during the blitz of late 1940 , via the Children 's Overseas Reception Scheme of the same year ( which sent children principally to Canada ) , and in 1944 when the V1 and V2 rockets arrived — and , of course , roughly 2 million people evacuated themselves by private arrangement in the first months of the war .
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