Example sentences of "the 1981 [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ASEAN rejected the 1981 Soviet démarche , which was directed at ASEAN acceptance of the Heng Samrin regime in Kampuchea , despite the call in the same month by the Twenty-Sixth Soviet Party Congress for Asian participation in the settlement of regional disputes .
2 Thus if we want signs of low morale in the civil service , for example , we could point to the 1981 civil service strike .
3 However , under the 1981 monetary control arrangements banks have agreed to advise the Bank of England in advance of any significant change in their decision to hold operational balances .
4 The 1981 Canadian Audit Guide ( p. 5 ) discussed the importance of efficiency measures in the following terms :
5 The Panel on Ageing arose as a result of the suggestion of the 1981 Working Group on Priority Areas for Research .
6 The 1981 revised NEP envisaged a 44% growth in energy demand between 1981 and 1985 .
7 A pundit of the Electoral Reform Society , noting that the French Socialist manifesto produced for the 1981 general election envisaged twenty-one separate reforms , has claimed that the STV would have enabled voters to show which of them they approved of .
8 Yet they are credited with only around 40 per cent of the vote — exactly the same as their score in the 1981 general election in which the Socialists were swept to power .
9 It merits a vigorous defence in the face of developments such as the 1981 Criminal Justice Act , which threatened to encroach on its humane vision with the clamour of the law and order lobby .
10 There is no doubt that the great majority of senior staff in polytechnics would prefer much greater freedom from their local authorities , hence their support of Model B in the 1981 Green Paper and their disappointment at the form which the National Advisory Body has taken .
11 My opposition goes back to 1979 and to the work done in the Department of the Environment when I was in it on the production of the 1981 Green Paper .
12 It contains a huge amount of such data including amongst many other surveys and statistics , the 1981 National Census , 500 maps , 22,000 photographs , 1,500 items of text in the form of essays and published articles and , on side two of the disc , about an hour of video recording some of the events of 1986 .
13 In the project , a number of data sources are being utilised ; in particular , recently available data from the 1981 Census of Population and the 1981 British Rail Origin-Destination Survey are being compared with earlier data to obtain a picture of recent trends .
14 The bill is expected to sweep aside restrictions under the 1981 British Nationality Act which require six months prior residence before the granting of citizenship .
15 The bill is expected to sweep aside restrictions under the 1981 British Nationality Act which require six months prior residence before the granting of citizenship .
16 The 1981 English House Condition Survey ( Department of the Environment 1982 ) supports the general urban-rural differences found in 1976 , although slight changes in surveyors ' classifications of district as rural , urban or conurbations make precise comparisons difficult .
17 The 1981 Special Education Act , which came into force in early 1983 , requires LEAs to identify and provide for all those pupils who have special educational needs .
18 As the 1981 White paper , Growing Older , commented ‘ care in the community must increasingly mean care by the community ’ ( DHSS 1981 , p. 3 ) .
19 Although others have also advocated the centralization of the financial management of advanced further education , including , of course , the DES in the 1981 White Paper , it is unlikely to come about , at least in the near future .
20 But Lord Donaldson said he did not interpret the power in the 1981 Broadcasting Act to mean that Parliament intended the home secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require the broadcasting authorities to present news programmes other than with due impartiality and accuracy .
21 Established under the 1981 Broadcasting Act , Channel 4 had a statutory obligation to ‘ contain a suitable proportion of matter calculated to appeal to tastes and interests not generally catered for by ITV . ’
22 A parallel power in s29 of the 1981 Broadcasting Act entitles the Home Secretary to order the Independent Broadcasting Authority to " refrain from broadcasting any matter or classes of matter " on commercial television .
23 Nonetheless , the terms of the 1981 Broadcasting Act do place duties on the IBA to ensure that this medium , unlike the press , is free from bias and public offence .
24 The 1981 decennial census provides information on the social and economic characteristics of small areas of these cities .
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