Example sentences of "the 1986 [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The policy represented a modification to the amnesty granted by the 1986 Immigrant Reform and Control Act to the 3,000,000 illegal immigrants who had entered the USA before Jan. 1 , 1982 [ see pp. 34736-37 ] .
2 The LDP 's share of the vote fell by more than 3 per cent compared with the 1986 lower house elections , and the party won 20 seats fewer than it had possessed at the dissolution ( although 11 independents were later reported to have joined , thereby bringing its total strength to 286 ) .
3 The council of the 41-member International Cocoa Organization ( ICCO ) on March 30 voted almost unanimously to extend the 1986 International Cocoa Agreement between producers and consumers [ see p. 35294 ] for a two-year period from Oct. 1 , but without its provisions to regulate world supplies and prices , which had been suspended since 1988 .
4 The decision by the ICCO in March 1990 to extend the 1986 International Cocoa Agreement for a further two years [ see p. 37335 ] encouraged prices to rise .
5 In general , though , it was considered taboo — a place scientists should not tread — until the tide apparently turned at the 1986 international conference of human geneticists in Berlin , where participants openly discussed the possibilities .
6 After the 1986 Hindawi affair ( which involved the attempted bombing by a Syrian agent of an El Al jet in London ) , senior Foreign Office men were opposed to breaking diplomatic links with Syria ; Mrs Thatcher insisted .
7 Clause 9 renouncing the right of belligerency , has been contested throughout the post-war era and remained an objective of the 1986 Prime Minister Nakasone .
8 Lesbian and gay bitterness was the more acute for a sense of betrayal , given the trail-blazing work of the Labour Greater London Council ( GLC ) , subsequent lesbian and gay equality policies by a number of Labour local authorities , and the breakthroughs achieved by the Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights — notably the 1985 Labour Annual Conference policy which was reaffirmed at the 1986 Annual Conference by a 79 per cent majority .
9 The anonymous authors of the 1986 annual Met internal appraisal , for example , wrote in deeply critical terms of the effects of government economic policy on the inner city , and the consequences for policing .
10 However , the 1986 Social Security Act froze the reduced earnings allowance ( previously called the special hardship allowance ) on retirement and offset it against earnings-related pension , thereby reducing the compensation for the impact of disablement on those over retirement age .
11 In particular , the 1986 Social Security Act and the Finance Act ( Number Two ) , 1987 , have introduced a more complex pension position .
12 Some attempts were made to provide specific aid with fuel costs by providing supplementary benefit recipients with a discount or rebate , but these were scrapped under the 1986 Social Security Act , so the problem remains a serious one for many elderly households .
13 Thus the 1986 Social Security Act followed the so-called Fowler Reviews , which had a restricted membership , took only limited evidence ( which was not reproduced in the final report ) and resulted in a Green Paper that largely became the 1986 Act .
14 The eventual outcome was the 1986 Social Security Act .
15 Readers will find a good example of legislation for which statutory instruments are important in the 1986 Social Security Act .
16 Until the implementation of the 1986 Social Security Act the largest group of local office staff was concerned with the administration of the supplementary benefits system , interpreting a complex system of rules largely without the use of new technology .
17 We can contrast , for example , the comparatively strict ways in which regulations under the 1986 Social Security Act instruct local authorities in the administration of housing rebates , with powers given ( originally in the 1963 Children and Young Persons Act , now in the 1980 Child Care Act ) to local authorities to make money payments , in exceptional circumstances to prevent children being taken into care , where no attempt has been made to prescribe how this should be done .
18 The 1986 Social Security Act extended the disqualification period from six to thirteen weeks and in April 1988 it was increased again to twenty-six weeks .
19 However , when income support replaced supplementary benefit in 1988 under the 1986 Social Security Act , either partner was freely allowed to claim income support when both were unemployed .
20 Two of the measures enacted by the 1986 Social Security Act had a significant impact on women by reversing the main attempts of the 1975 scheme to begin , albeit very slowly , to adjust state pensions to the economic experiences of women .
21 Further changes introduced by the 1986 Social Security Act were intended to increase the numbers who contract out of the SERP scheme .
22 Combined with changes introduced earlier in the decade , the 1986 Social Security Act has worked to increase the financial responsibilities of parents on benefit and reduce their access to additional sources of financial support for expenses that they are unable to meet from their regular benefit .
23 In exploring these strategies , the section draws primarily on studies which pre-date April 1988 when the major changes introduced in the 1986 Social Security Act came into force .
24 Many welfare lobbyists and pressure groups are still struggling with the legacy of the Thatcher years , especially the Fowler reviews and the 1986 Social Security Act changes .
25 ( The 1980 Education Act and the 1986 Social Security Act each further restricted the supply of free milk . )
26 ( These powers and responsibilities were altered in the 1986 Social Security Act . )
27 The special position of young people has been recognised in the voluntary agreements that the Government have negotiated with the industry and it was explicit in the 1986 voluntary agreement .
28 If the hon. Lady or Puffin Books can show that the use of the puffin symbol contravenes the text that I quoted from the 1986 voluntary agreement , without being bound by court procedures and legal niceties and technicalities , we have a system deliberately designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow action to be taken and new barriers which will not be allowed to be broken .
29 Many thanks to all the Area Organisers for their hard work in making the 1986 Recreational Class List available to meet public enquiries in August .
30 Part three of the bill examines major changes to radio services , first outlined in the 1986 green paper .
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