Example sentences of "the demand for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ From the US standpoint , the demand for dollar convertibility was simply the demand for an exchange value guarantee on the fiduciary instruments [ dollars ] that financed their deficits , while surplus countries retained their freedom to allow their surpluses to pile up ’ ( Gilbert , 1980 , p. 185 ) .
2 AS SUMMER comes in and the demand for ice cream increases so the opportunities arise for the vendors to overcharge , especially when parents are treating their children .
3 For instance , there may be an increase in demand for : owned homes , as opposed to rented ones ( which will affect both the market for dousing and mortgage finance ) ; prestigious foreign saloon cars ( in the UK the demand for prestige an cars has had a significant effect on prestige German produced saloon cars , the sales of luxury UK such as triumph ( now extinct ) and Rover ) ; private education , for which UK demand is now very high ; air inclusive package tours to resorts that were exclusive ( such as Marbella in Spain , the French Caribbean , the Greek Islands etc ) .
4 For Lacan desire itself becomes a splitting within the subject : ‘ desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction , nor the demand for love , but the difference resulting from the subtraction of the first from the second , the very phenomenon of their splitting ’ ( Lacan , Feminine Sexuality , 81 ) .
5 There is a distinction , originating in Freud and developed by Lacan , between ‘ need ’ , ‘ demand ’ and ‘ desire ’ in which needs can be satisfied by the adequate object ( food ) , demands , while aimed at an object , are addressed to others ( the demand for love or attention disguised as a need for food ) , while desires have no real object , relate only to fantasy , and can not be satisfied ( the desire for unity and plenitude ) .
6 The current situation in Horticultural Education , where over forty students are sharing two PCs , is unsatisfactory , but the demand for computer time is very uneven , peaking during the preparation of 3rd year dissertations , and being very low at other times .
7 As the demand for cotton goods rose ( partly owing to economic growth caused by advances in agricultural techniques and extended foreign trade ) cotton production shifted from the putting-out system to mills being set up in the rapidly urbanising towns .
8 Since then the demand for cotton has grown and after a trial range , they now produce more cotton than wool and have even added fancy cottons to their range .
9 Recessions often start because the demand for credit falls .
10 Interestingly , the demand for credit was just as powerful , and I suppose , given the severe insularity , we should be surprised at how conceptually similar to the West their ideas were .
11 Increases in money supply may occur as a result of banks expanding credit in response to the demand for credit .
12 If the authorities raise interest rates , this will reduce the demand for credit and this in turn will reduce the credit that banks create .
13 Instead they have chosen to rely on using interest rates to curb the demand for credit .
14 But the problem here was that , with the buoyant economy , the demand for credit was high .
15 High interest rates are a form of regulation to the extent that they reduce the demand for credit and hence credit granted by institutions .
16 The aim was to determine the condition of bindings and assess the effectiveness of past preservation policy , to measure the demand for present and future binding-related conservation work , and to identify areas from which material in need of remedial treatment should be taken .
17 In Fig. 5.2 the shift in the demand curve from to ’ shows a reduction in the demand for bills and simultaneously an increase in the demand for liquidity .
18 The demand for English as the world 's lingua franca continues unabated , as does the demand among publishers of ELT material for growth and a financial return .
19 The demand for English continues unabated .
20 The demand for moisture at root level is therefore greater , and the pre-planting organic input and soaking needs to be more carefully attended to .
21 WITH the demand for golf courses vastly outweighing supply , it is refreshing to note that a number of courses have been given planning permission in the Durham and North Yorkshire area .
22 The ideal interior is neutral and unobstructed , while the demand for floor area pushes buildings to the limits of their sites , making public spaces , or any but the thinnest facades , unprofitable .
23 Only a day or two ago in The Times , a high academic figure was complaining that ‘ the nature of the demand for education , at least over the next few years , seems unlikely to correspond with any precision to the national need for more scientists and technologists ’ .
24 This situation has not led to a decline in enrolments : except for a brief period at the beginning of the crisis , the demand for education has been sustained .
25 In developing societies , primary education appears to be more of a social investment than individual consumption , while in affluent societies the demand for education may not come so much from the needs of the economy as from the demands of individual people .
26 Co-ordinator Mrs Irene MacDonald , of Bellborough Lane , Hutton Rudby , who teaches English as a foreign language at Longlands College , Middlesbrough , said the demand for maths teaching was growing .
27 However , the very persistence of the demand for relevance and usefulness , the dissatisfaction with whatever is seen as ‘ useless ’ , should lead , as I have suggested , to a more fundamental distinction , not between the useful and the useless , the relevant and the irrelevant , nor between the arts and the sciences , but between the practical and the theoretical .
28 And the demand for jam jars had been so great that even salvage dumps and cemeteries had been searched for extra supplies .
29 By this date , most of the large brewery companies affected by the demand for reorganisation had complied and the best estimates indicate that 10,000 public houses have been freed from the control of such major brewing companies as Bass , Allied Lyons , Courage , Grand Metropolitan and Whitbread .
30 In Chapter 13 we discussed the demand for capital and the investment decision by a private firm .
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