Example sentences of "the teachers ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 … neglect of the occupational culture of teachers … has led us to underestimate the significance of the teachers ' culture as a medium through which many innovations and reforms must pass ; yet in that passage they frequently become shaped , transformed or resisted in ways that were unintended and unanticipated .
2 The teachers ' union even submitted the draft constitution to the bishops so as to get it right .
3 No sooner had the Minister of Education , Lionel Jospin , stated that the scarves could not be a motive for excluding the girls from school than the teachers ' union , traditionally close to the Socialist Party , called him a traitor and 50 of his deputies signed a petition publicly disaffiliating themselves from his line and asking for his resignation .
4 It is likely to face stiff opposition from trade unions , including the teachers ' union , if it does so .
5 An important factor in the advances achieved in education was the ability to mobilize people through organizations under the Sandinista umbrella : trade unions , including the teachers ' union , ANDEN ; women 's organizations ; co-operatives ; and peasants ' organizations .
6 One effect , according to Guillermo Martinez of the teachers ' union ANDEN , was to overburden classes ,
7 Many teachers belonging to the teachers ' union ANDES became actively involved in the struggle for political justice as well as for their own economic interests .
8 The vast majority of these incomplete schools are in rural areas where classes are also large — the teachers ' union COLPROSUMAH claims that in some rural schools there are up to 120 children in a classroom .
9 The teachers ' union NASUWT said : ‘ Some schools would n't stay open if they had to meet safety standards in other industries . ’
10 During a subsequent march of some 200,000 pupils backed by the teachers ' union FEN in Paris on Nov. 12 , police held back while cars were burned and shops looted in the seventh arrondissement , but finally intervened with tear gas and water cannon to prevent marchers approaching the presidential palace ; 234 police and a number of journalists were injured and 83 people were arrested .
11 Included in the new Cabinet was Albert Nhlanhla Shabangu , president of the teachers ' union and a former critic of the government .
12 And Joseph Fernandez 's old job has other complications : being second-guessed continuously by an unelected board of education that puts its small moral agenda above all else , sabotaged by the remains of corrupt school boards , starved of federal money and unable to settle on a contract with the teachers ' union .
13 In Shanghai at the Teachers ' University , new regulations issued on 10 November made it obligatory for students to do physical exercises before classes .
14 The teachers ' vocabulary for describing individual pupils , colleagues , classes and lessons , as well as events such as meetings , is full of such inflationary terms : awful , dreadful , terrible , animals , bastard .
15 She had grown used to being the dominant partner , the teachers ' favourite , the victrix ludorum .
16 Elsewhere , significant explorations were made of the types of cooperative support that could be developed , between schools and teachers from different schools , and between a variety of other educational institutions such as colleges , polytechnics , universities and that peculiarly British innovation , the teachers ' centre .
17 I supported it partly on the recommendation of the warden of the teachers ' centre and partly because I felt that they needed something positive because of the merger .
18 Draft Contract Between School and the Teachers ' Centre
19 Lord Mackay of Clashfern LC held , on a construction of section 63 without the aid of reference to the parliamentary material , that the tax-payers were only assessable on the extra cost of providing the in-house benefit , and in reaching this finding regarded it as crucial that , on the facts , as found , the teachers ' sons occupied only surplus places and their right to do so was entirely discretionary .
20 It becomes the teachers ' responsibility to identify and investigate problems connected with their own and their school 's practice ; to evaluate existing provision in relation to context and to propose , implement and evaluate remedies that are within their resources .
21 The contract was drawn up to safeguard the teachers ' rights in the situation .
22 Although the planners , writers , illustrators and publishers of textbooks and children 's books in general have the power to influence attitudes and to develop a sense of equality and respect for all , it is frequently the teachers ' selection of texts on a ‘ gender-aware ’ basis , and with a view to the overall literary diet of pupils , which is a deciding factor .
23 The first to come , and one of the most interesting from Pumfrey 's point of view , was Tom Tedder , who sprawled easily in his chair , seemed as little tensed up as it is possible to be when involved in a murder case , and told them all they needed to know about the teachers ' attitude to the school 's star pupil .
24 In the countries in which I have worked where tight regulations prescribe the teachers ' day , the opportunity for intelligent freedom of action is all too often curtailed and responses to the problems which children present are all too often determined by the paragraph and footnote of a rule book .
25 an accident to a pupil ( including children ) as a result of the teachers ' negligence .
26 Sometimes this may be unfortunate pupils who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ; but often it is the teachers ' families who begin to bear the brunt , and whose reserves of tolerance and goodwill may also , after a while , begin to dry up in turn .
27 We supported the introduction of the Teachers ' Pay Review Body and believe it will ensure that teachers are properly rewarded .
28 Teachers ' pay and conditions are legally fixed by law ( such as the Teachers ' Pay & Conditions Act 1987 ) and set out in successive annual documents .
29 This is illustrated by reference to teachers ' responses to various externally sponsored innovations and the teachers ' pay dispute of 1985–86 .
30 In 1987 , the Teachers ' Pay and Conditions Act abolished the existing salary scales ( see the introduction to Figures 7.5–7.8 below ) , and also the Burnham Committees , in which representatives from the teachers ' unions , the LEAs and the DES had negotiated salary structure , levels of pay and conditions of service .
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