Example sentences of "the amount [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may look a lot but when you work out the amount per dose it 's a very different story .
2 In this case the basic data of a savings plan is simply the amount per month that you are prepared to save , the likely annual interest rate and the number of years for which the plan continues .
3 So to be able to the sweepstake in the past another church and they could be , they could be on the interest you know , the amount towards running costs such as this .
4 Is the amount at stake , though small , significant in relation to the financial circumstances of the applicant ?
5 In any case , the amounts of the fees and expenses are still likely to be at large , because expert clauses never lay down the amounts , except in the case of fees by the use of a percentage of the amount at issue , and expenses can not be considered before a reference .
6 As previously illustrated in the euro-dollar market diagram there is a considerable amount of re-depositing between banks in ECM centres , so that the gross size overstates the amount on deposit from non-bank sources and made available to ultimate borrowers .
7 The interrelation between deposits and loans ‘ thus become another form of reciprocal dealing : an increase in either the amount in deposit or the amount on loan is inevitably linked with an increase in the other ’ ( Okamura 1982 p.58 ) .
8 The will point to his agreement , however reluctantly , to the introduction of the Compaq Grand Slam Cup last year — the ITF 's official end of the season competition — which offered $2m to the winner and $6m overall , more than double the amount on offer at the ATP Championships and which even some of the players , including Boris Becker and John McEnroe , described as exorbitant .
9 My constituent felt strongly that neither the amount on offer from the student loans scheme nor the money available from the postgraduate access fund would be enough to compensate for the loss of housing benefit to her undergraduate daughter or to her elder daughter , who was on the postgraduate music course .
10 Limits might be set for the amount of animal manure put on the land , and for inorganic fertiliser application , based on crop and soil types .
11 I do n't look at this end of the market very often , so it is a bit of an eye-opener for me regarding the amount of controls there are for changing the sound .
12 The amount of riboflavin in two square centimetres of banana skin .
13 It seems the price of echoes varied , reasonably enough , with the amount of gunpowder consumed .
14 Neither the buildings of Parliament nor the members were in serious danger from the amount of gunpowder to be used .
15 That 's all the amount of nuisance you have to be to drive a man into the arms of his parish . ’
16 I was very disillusioned when I started doing physics by the amount of maths in the course .
17 Turning to movements within the income distribution , mean-variance analysis has been used to illustrate that progressive income taxation will tend to lower the amount of risk-taking it is optimal for a utility-maximizing individual to undertake .
18 Secondly , there have been major changes in the amount of rape reported in the press .
19 In general we can write where n is the amount of substance in moles ( or more simply the number of moles ) , m is the mass of the substance in grams and M is the molar mass .
20 The amount of substance is a physical quantity .
21 The mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are carbon atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12 .
22 The amount of substance is proportional to the number of specified elementary entities of that substance .
23 Notice that in each of these examples we are careful to specify exactly the entities or particles to which the amount of substance refers .
24 The mass of several moles of a substance can be calculated using the following relationship : where m denotes the mass of the substance in units of grams , fl denotes the amount of substance in units of moles and M denotes the molar mass of the substance in units of grams per mole .
25 Similarly , the mass of a substance can be converted to the amount of substance using the following relationship : Example Calculate the amount of methane molecules , CH4 , in 8.0 grams of methane , CH4 .
26 This is because the word molar means " divided by the amount of substance " or " per unit amount of substance " .
27 Concentration is the amount of substance per unit volume of solution .
28 Experimental evidence has been published suggesting that the amount of histone H1 is decreased in transcriptionally active chromatin and that the binding properties of H1 to the core nucleosomes are different in active and inactive chromatin fractions ( 6,7 ) .
29 The latter offer yet another way of affecting the output power of the S120 ; the amount of variation available means that the amp is capable of offering anything from a humble 8 watts per channel to a fairly mighty 60 watts per side .
30 To interpret exceptions to the general rule that sexual dimorphism increases with the degree of polygyny , we need to remember that it is the comparative effects of phenotypic traits on reproductive success in males and females that will determine the degree of dimorphism and not the amount of variation in reproductive success per se ( see Price , 1970 ; Lande , 1980 ) .
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