Example sentences of "the report [vb -s] a " in BNC.

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1 Instead , the Report offers a discourse which both addresses and speaks on behalf of what may strictly be identified as " national intellectuals " .
2 The report offers a list of ten user groups :
3 However , the report identifies a number of areas that need to be addressed in more detail as a result we are recommendatin it , recommending that a major consultation exercise be d be conducted this year to ensure that the many ideas that people have to improve our Health , Safety and Environment Service are considered .
4 The report criticises a number of existing projects .
5 The report says a public-private partnership is vital to ensure any town or city develops to its full potential .
6 The report represents a victory for the Confederation of British Industry and a lobby led by Emma Nicholson , Tory MP for Devon West and Torridge , which had campaigned for tough new laws .
7 Furthermore , the Report represents a familiar tactic through which influential groups are recruited in the voluntary service of state interests and policies .
8 The report represents a step forward in thinking about public sector higher education within at least part of the University of Wales and it is to be hoped that its influence spreads widely throughout that body .
9 The report assumes a medium-sized car , driven for 13,000 km a year for 10 years .
10 What is likely to complicate matters even more is the fact that the publication and dissemination of the Dunrossness report ( see Byron and McFarlane , 1980 ) is likely to add further fuel to the processes discussed above ; not simply in the sense that the report constitutes a kind of distillation of the processes concerned but , more importantly , in the sense that the report provides a source of rhetoric for future discussion about , and agreement over , what is happening in the area .
11 The report cites a ‘ strategy of genocide over [ sic ] the Bosnian Muslims ’ as accounting for the widespread looting and destruction of Muslim buildings .
12 The report presents a strong case for continuing work on gasification although south south cooperation would seem to hold most promise .
13 The report proposes a new structure for the centre , which it says has been underused as a TNO institute .
14 The report proposes a pilot scheme in selected courts .
15 In the long term , the report advocates a cabinet minister for science , a national science strategy and reforms to government accounting procedures which discriminate against science funding .
16 The report pinpoints a substantial increase in the number of managers planning to run down cash balances , consistent with the move into equities .
17 My Lords , as I would submit , the report contains a great deal which confirms and nothing which contradicts the interpretation of the word ‘ appropriates ’ which I have preferred , and a comparison of the Act with the draft Bill gives no support to the contrary view .
18 Furthermore , the Report contains a full historic , economic and social critique of consumer credit and proposed a new legal framework .
19 The report makes a number of comments on other matters , for example in relation to the resource and teacher training implications for English in the National Curriculum , and the need for non-statutory guidance for teachers based on its observations .
20 The report makes a fair attempt to assess the future demand for medical staff within these constraints but shies away from estimating the number of doctors required to provide both an acceptable service to patients and acceptable working conditions for doctors themselves .
21 The report makes a recommendation about the assessment of claims for income support , and the payment of such support .
22 The report suggests a major problem is that young people are bored , with nowhere to go .
23 On Professor Stubbs 's behalf it can be said that the Report reflects a total view of society , of co-operation and tolerance between cultural and social groups , and that to achieve this aim all teachers and pupils need to understand clearly why contempt for other people 's dialects is wrong .
24 The fact that the KGB issued the report reflects a growing emphasis on concern with matters of environmental , rather than political , security in the Soviet Union .
25 The report shows a callous and discriminatory attitude towards the handicapped and smacks of Nazi Germany .
26 The report shows a typical family of a man , a woman and two children spends an average of £372 a week .
27 The report demands a ban on trade in all hazardous waste to and from the UK and an immediate moratorium on the construction of new incinerators and the expansion of existing ones .
28 The report recommends a new order , applicable only to patients with a history of non-compliance , which would provide for compulsory supervision of the patient in the community .
29 The report recommends a number of steps designed to limit pollution .
30 The report recommends a threefold cut in sulphur emissions .
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