Example sentences of "the position hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Leaders must use sound judgment and , if necessary , part from those who were inclined to involve them in disputes that were not only calculated to bring defeat but to weaken and endanger the position held at the present time " .
2 This was the position held by many of the Gnostics , Abelard , Ritschl and those who express syncretistic sentiments within the ecumenical movement .
3 Here I would identify with the position held by Charles Kraft , namely that God , whilst being above culture , chooses to work through culture ( Kraft 1979:113–115 ) .
4 Lord Bellomont 's position as Governor in New York , Massachusetts , and New Hampshire , and military commander in Connecticut , Rhode Island , and New Jersey was similar enough to the position held by the Governor of the Dominion of New England to show that unification was not just an eccentric idea launched by James II .
5 Oviedo was currently commander of the Army 's first corps , the position held by Rodríguez when he staged his successful February 1989 coup overthrowing Gen. Alfredo Stroessner [ see p. 36458 ] .
6 This chapter explains : ( 1 ) that the identity and qualifications of an expert are established by the parties , usually in the expert clause , and that an expert need not be an individual ( 9.2 ) ; ( 2 ) the practice of referring disputes to a named individual , firm or company ( 9.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the same practice where the test is the position held by an individual , firm or company ( 9.4 ) ; ( 4 ) the practice of referring disputes to members of a particular profession ( 9.5 ) ; ( 5 ) the effect of stipulating criteria for an expert 's eligibility ( 9.6 ) ; ( 6 ) the effect of a requirement that an expert be independent ( 9.7 ) ; ( 7 ) the practice relating to umpires ( 9.8 ) .
7 We are of course conscious that of the position held by the County Council and by the district councils .
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