Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [art] general " in BNC.

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1 The project therefore attempts to devise a more general descriptive framework for the intonation of the languages investigated and to establish a general theory of intonation structure which takes account of the different role of intonation in languages of different types .
2 central government — to balance the competing expenditure claims of education and other public expenditure programmes , and to provide a general framework for the education authorities , which are actually responsible for the provision of primary and secondary education
3 Each department has its own history , traditions and culture , and to impose a general framework to account for their development is not easy .
4 Always done with royal approval , which was sought beforehand , the collection of such levies emphasised two factors : that the crown 's right to tax and to organise the general defence of France was recognised ; equally , that , in practice , the responsibility for carrying out defensive projects was left to local initiative and energy .
5 The Central Authority 's ambition to standardise was also based on the role accorded to it by statute ‘ … to co-ordinate the distribution of electricity by Area Boards and to exercise a general control over the policy of those Boards ’ .
6 Another consequence was that the TUC was forced to push through its reorganization and to form the General Council , an alternative to its Parliamentary Committee , as its executive body .
7 In turn , these two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization 's fundamental needs : to add real value to work as it moves through the organization , to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value-adding process , to place people with the necessary competence at each organizational layer , and to build a general consensus and acceptance of the managerial structure that achieves these ends .
8 The head of state is the Beretitenti ( President ) who is popularly elected from among the members of the Assembly ; he governs with the assistance of an appointed Cabinet and is empowered to dissolve the Assembly and to call a general election .
9 From the point of view of problem solving , I find the cube has led me to formulate many problem-solving techniques in more generality than previously and to develop a general scheme for all problems of this sort .
10 Should teachers at school , like professors at university , be expected in the future simply to teach academic or practical subjects to their pupils , and to have no general pastoral or moral responsibility for them ?
11 The election of the Prime Minister has done much to dispel that idea and to show the general public that in my right hon. Friend we have a Prime Minister who is frank about his business background and honest about the employment difficulties that he faced as a young man .
12 The best he could do was to take up a central position in the ward , using a chair for a hassock , and to make a general supplication for all the patients collectively .
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