Example sentences of "and [vb base] to go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
2 We 've provided a grammar school education for the people of this area for 700 years and intend to go on doing so . ’
3 Sometimes when I was drunk and I 'd see him standing there looking all quiet and black and white and gorgeous , waiting for someone to take him home , I 'd get all teary and want to go up and slap him and shout in his face : How can you possibly understand what it means !
4 And get poor Jack away and back to his dressing-room and fit to go on .
5 We have a Mother and Baby Room and try to go out of our way to make life easy . ’
6 ‘ On rare occasions when it is unbearable , with a jet engine noise screaming inside my head , and combining with other roaring noises , I take sleeping pills and try to go back to sleep .
7 There 's always the temptation to think you should n't have done that and try to go back again .
8 Yeah we thought it important to send to you because we are , you know , a bit out of the way that 's all and erm people tend to go zipping past and have to go up to the roundabout and come all the way back down again cos it 's quite a busy road this and
9 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
10 Did you give him a lift and have to go back down ?
11 What happened was , I 'd go home , go to MacDonalds , and have to go back to the office .
12 If there is a problem with an employee 's attendance , counselling is the first option because it is more expensive to sack someone , particularly at the professional level , and have to go out and recruit a new employee . ’
13 How many cards have you spent hours punching out , only to find that you have a mistake and need to go back and stick tape over some holes to avoid the mistake being knitted .
14 I do n't want to stay anywhere too far away from my flat , in case I 've forgotten something and need to go back for it . ’
15 candidate and plan to go back at some uncertain time in the future .
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