Example sentences of "and [vb base] myself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
2 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
3 I stick the fire on in my room and warm myself by it for a bit .
4 ‘ I would like to spend one year here , continue my studies and test myself against the best British players . ’
5 What should I do if I fall down and cut myself during break ?
6 And embroil myself with a man of Mr. B. 's power and fortune !
7 I went up the stone steps into the street , and let myself into the house .
8 I simply said that if I had the money and was able to pay my fare and support myself in America , I would accompany him .
9 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
10 Aware that Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em had a massive audience , ranging from children to grandparents , Crawford said , ‘ I then go and put myself before the public ’ as Billy Liar , whose first words as he comes on stage are along the lines of ‘ Christ Almighty , bloody , blimey ! ’ in a song .
11 I think about it a couple of hundred times a day and kick myself for not staying right there .
12 I start browsing out of a sense of duty to begin with , and drench myself with showers of settled rainwater every time I reach into a bush .
13 I drop my bag inside the window and hoist myself over the sill to follow it .
14 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
15 ‘ I could go upstairs this minute and drape myself in gold chains and beautiful bracelets . ’
16 But she could n't ever see me , though I think at first she knew I was around , so now I mostly stay where I am and amuse myself with some of the other kids who are here too .
17 Most days when it is severe , I simply get up and immerse myself in work .
18 I have to know everything and fling myself into the 3rd century .
19 That 's why I crawl down holes and chuck myself off cliffs and ride the bike — it 's been the only way I could feel alive , but since I met you I 've come alive in other ways , ways I 'd forgotten long ago .
20 It is a struggle to paint grasses in a true watercolour technique and the purist may well react against the use of white and acrylic here , but I have found a release from the restrictions of technique through this method and comfort myself with the knowledge that white has been in common use by artists throughout the history of watercolour painting .
21 As long as I stay confined to this moral nihilism , the single unquestioned imperative will be to act intelligently , and in particular to be aware of objective conditions , of those obstinate facts about external difficulties and my own limitations which thwart my efforts unless I recognize and adapt myself to them .
22 Maybe , she thought , I should go up there and offer myself to him .
23 ‘ Do you want me to become famous and liberate myself from you ? ’
24 ‘ I have lived in the district for a long time and regard myself as a ‘ local ’ . ’
25 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
26 I 'd join the crimplene brigade , dress out of the Littlewoods club and resign myself to false teeth and a perm by the time I was 30 .
27 So I go out and treat myself to something nice . ’
28 Then I will retire to some ruined mosque , repair it , and busy myself with my studies . ’
29 I 've made lots of forties and fifties but not the big hundreds that get you noticed , ’ strangely adding , ‘ I want to improve my fielding and establish myself in the one-day game . ’
30 I ought to be on holiday , but I was n't : this was merely a brief interlude before I had to report to that wretched banker and enmesh myself in a host of false relationships in the Ingard office , to try to discover — what ?
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