Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] open " in BNC.

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1 Duncan slung his small case on to the bed and zipped it open .
2 When they disembarked at Algeciras , the Spanish customs officers searched the car and made them open their luggage .
3 He took a deep breath , marched to the doors , and flung them open .
4 He switched the hall light off , stumbled to the front door and flung it open .
5 By way of reply , Connor walked across the room , drew back the bolts on the street door and flung it open .
6 He reached the door in a single bounce , and flung it open .
7 He walked over to a door at the far end of the office and flung it open .
8 Flicking back her head with a haughty toss of bright auburn curls , she walked to the door and flung it open .
9 She turned to the door and flung it open with one contemptuous move .
10 Dragging me , he strode to the door in two strides , and flung it open .
11 ‘ Then you can burn in hell for all I care ! ’ he burst out , and , turning on his heel , he marched to the door and flung it open .
12 Crossing the room as though he were heading for the wardrobe , Angel Four suddenly changed direction , took two swift paces to his right , seized the curtains with both hands and jerked them open .
13 I ran over to my cupboard door and jerked it open .
14 She tried the back door and found it open , and going in she turned on some lights and made herself a cup of coffee .
15 He said , with great politeness , that he would be in the buttery , always supposing anyone wanted to know , and Tybion the Tusk got up and helped him open the door , just to be friendly .
16 Then she held her breath and ripped it open .
17 At last , shakily , she picked up the envelope and ripped it open , taking out the single sheet of paper .
18 Antony pulled out a table-cloth and shook it open with a fine flourish like a bull-fighter showing his cape .
19 Breeze ran to the windows and threw them open , leaning out to drink in the cold , moist air .
20 Ben hurried to the shutters and threw them open , then turned and stared back into the room .
21 She crossed to the door and threw it open .
22 Shaking off the nostalgia that threatened to overwhelm her , she went to the window and threw it open , startling a tiny robin that had been resting on the sill .
23 I went across and threw it open , exasperated that my holy moment had been so brutally shattered .
24 Then squaring her shoulders , she crossed to the drawing-room door , and threw it open .
25 His brother Arthur , ( Lord Ardilaun ) landscaped St. Stephen 's Green , once a medieval common , and threw it open to the public .
26 Rose went to one of the windows and threw it open .
27 Anyway , I came to this old cemetery and against one wall was this kind of beehive grave affair and someone had broken into one of the graves and pulled out this baby 's coffin and smashed it open .
28 Once satisfied , I got a large cardboard carton and broke it open so that the development could be accurately drawn .
29 Turning it over , he saw that it was sealed up , and broke it open .
30 Jim reached into her mouth and prised it open enough to pull the tongue forward .
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