Example sentences of "and [v-ing] towards the " in BNC.

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1 Each one of those millions of evolutionary changes by means of which the single cell multiplied and diversified into the vast complexity of all living things , was either ‘ good ’ , and contributing towards the development of the human being of today , or ‘ not good ’ and was therefore continuing the development of what was , or would become , a non-human species , or lost to evolution by bringing about the extinction of a species .
2 Satisfied that the gun was ready for immediate use , Kirov transferred it discreetly to his jacket pocket before turning and walking towards the waiting figure of Ybreska .
3 SHE was going into Newcastle and walking towards the station entrance when a woman stopped and said : ‘ Mrs Jones ?
4 When they were outside and walking towards the aircraft , Woolley said : ‘ The French make such a fuss , you see .
5 They throw up stamens and tendrils past the stalactite murqanas and squinches , gripping and voluting towards the floral boss of the low inner dome .
6 To take but one example from the many available , a well-known medieval armorial design comprises a shield with three spike-like shapes starting from the top edge of the shield , points downward and meeting towards the bottom .
7 She was used to her old mistress 's pallor , to the skeleton thinness , to the heavy , bruised-looking eyes but walking into her bedroom on the beautiful summer 's morning and looking towards the bed she was stopped in her progress and forced to control the exclamation of horror that rose to her lips .
8 ‘ Cuj ach , ’ one of the slaves begged , breaking free and looking towards the travellers .
9 A dish of greens would be much better for you , ’ she said , raising her voice and turning towards the young man .
10 Then he was rising to his feet , beckoning to the waitress and heading towards the main part of the restaurant .
11 As a special mark of favour , Rainbow has brought Naomi to see the acting debut of a lesbian country-and-western heart-throb who 's branching out and sidling towards the big time .
12 The temperature is bitterly cold , the chamber is filled with freezing fog , and drifting towards the adventurers to surround them come the soul pupae .
13 Rowbotham the middle-class woman from Leeds , involved in local politics , Vietnam action , and drifting towards the International Socialists ; Ali the upper-class Pakistani Oxford graduate moving towards the International Marxist Group ; Goodwin the working-class boy made good .
14 Humanity both crucified and marching towards the cross .
15 Increasingly it is turning away from its relative isolation and facing towards the rest of Europe , a move symbolized by its accession to the European Economic Community on 1 January 1986 ( and in quite another sense by its debates concerning its membership of the NATO alliance ) .
16 By the end of the year there were at least five methods of conducting business , starting at the centre and moving towards the periphery .
17 Beginning in the forearc zone and moving towards the volcanic arc the first feature encountered is the trench which rises to the outer-arc ridge .
18 With regard to the vote in the House of Commons on the proposed European committee of the regions , although I can have no sympathy for anyone who votes with the Tory Government I can understand the SNP 's attempts at embracing reality and moving towards the concept of Europe of the regions .
19 And when Rosa heard Caterina getting up next door , and coming towards the kitchen , she gave Sabina another hard pinch on the thin part of her arm , just to make sure she knew there was n't to be another word .
20 He is there again in the frontispiece , like a figure in the Tarot cards , breaking his chains and dancing towards the spheres .
21 In recent years emphasis has moved away from the teaching of ‘ craft ’ skills such as cookery and sewing towards the development of a range of practical and organisational skills which will enable young people to cope with the demands of living in constantly changing social and economic conditions .
22 The end of the arcade was full of women , all of them whispering and staring towards the place where Zurachina 's servants had set down her chair .
23 A moment later he was up and running towards the blazing buildings in the Circle .
24 Speed played well , Dorigo looked like he was on drugs the way he was running around — at one point Breacker ( Headless chicken ) was thinking he had got past Dorigo/Speed and running towards the corner flag — Dorigo went into overdrive and caught him within 3 strides from a standing start ! !
25 The van had taken the exit into the hotel 's rear yard , lurching and swinging towards the open gate that led to Crofton Street .
26 Pringle grimaced sympathetically and nodding towards the riders , asked , ‘ What do you think of our local hunt ? ’
27 " But why are all these Chinese going there ? " asked Joseph , dropping his voice and nodding towards the sea of silent yellow faces still pressed against the underside of the grilles in the deck below .
28 They were all crossing together when they saw the skid , the boy on the motorbike , out of control and ploughing towards the sedate black Morris Minor .
29 In his wish for a healthy city he was becoming more and more aware of rural virtues and leaning towards the sort of suspect organicism which would be developed with a vengeance by Leavis .
30 Fred , the eldest son , was never interested in the business , his homosexuality and leaning towards the arts alienating him from his conservative father .
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