Example sentences of "and [v-ing] to bed " in BNC.

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1 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
2 • Change your meal times to fit in with your delayed times of getting up and going to bed .
3 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
4 In addition , a quarter of the principal carers provided daily help with getting up , washing face and hands , and going to bed ; the majority also helped with shopping , enabling the sufferer to go out , finances , washing , ironing and house cleaning .
5 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
6 Times of meals , flexibility about times of rising and going to bed .
7 The Consumers ' Association magazine Which ? said Britons , who spend £63 million a year on cough medicines , would better off using tried and tested methods such as inhaling steam and going to bed early .
8 In June , it was n't getting dark till midnight , and we 'd be sitting about talking , not releasing what time it was , and going to bed at four in the morning when it was starting to get light again . ’
9 Gillian and I were falling in love and you 'd think we 'd have wanted to be by ourselves all the time , gazing into one another 's eyes and holding hands and going to bed together .
10 The blinds of the houses were always drawn to different levels , since each of the rooms was let to a different lodger , and their times of getting up and going to bed were different .
11 All I can remember was that everything was uncomfortable , especially getting up and going to bed .
12 A year ago , he might even have considered signing the pledge and going to bed at six .
13 Sometimes visits will be on a regular daily basis , especially when a person is very disabled and assistance is needed in getting up and putting to bed .
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