Example sentences of "and [prep] the political " in BNC.

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1 The changing face of Eastern Europe has already had a dramatic affect on the malt market and as the political and economic climate becomes more stable new opportunities will doubtless emerge .
2 The political tension , both between the king and heir and between the political groupings , rose rapidly .
3 Also in contrast to the Nationalists , the internal differences which had so damaged the Republican camp prior to 1936 persisted even now , causing deep divisions between the Republican rank and file and their government , and between the political and trade union organizations of the Left .
4 This generated a considerable amount of published research , and speculation , about the implications of this shift for the economy ( in terms of labour resources and demand for goods and services ) for society ( in terms of household structure , for example , and for relationships within households ) and for the political system .
5 From that time , he was to direct her education , and to try to instil in her an awareness of statecraft and of the political circumstances and problems not only of her adopted country but of her kingdom .
6 Jacobsen aims to reconstruct this debate in the wider context of the development of Carolingian church architecture and of the political debates in the turbulent age between 814 and 840 .
7 This would suggest that the study of politics and the mass media needs to take account of the relationships between the media and those in positions of power ; it also needs to focus on specific and recognizable instances of ‘ impact ’ and ‘ effects ’ as well as the deeper level of perceptions of politics and of the political system .
8 In part , at least , this reflected the influence of Russian history and of the political tradition that derived from it .
9 The treatment of the problems of the emperorship and of the political state of kingdoms , such as England , and comtés , such as Toulouse , showed the pope as a world leader in a novel way .
10 The most important Labour supporters of " Unity " gave modified support to the war effort , though they were highly critical of its conduct by Chamberlain and of the political truce which prevented the running of candidates in previously Conservative seats .
11 They came to office unsullied by royal service or political intrigue , and with the political principles and ideas of the schools fresh in their minds , but Stratford had won office by his service to the crown ; he was one of those who managed the early wool loans and spent the opening months of the French war recruiting allies and spies on the continent ; he may have resisted and condemned the malpractices of tax collectors , but he did not protest against royal taxation , burdensome as it was , before these crisis years .
12 Thanks to all this , finance has moved out of the spreadsheet and into the political arena , the courtroom and even into trade negotiations .
13 But much of it has been regarded as stemming from forces eager to interfere with and undermine the free economy , shifting the locus of decision from the market place and into the political arena .
14 A Labour Council was elected in 1933 , and under the political influence of a left-wing cleric the city council adopted different policies from the previous Conservative administration .
15 women are disallowed from participating in most public decision-making and from the political process in general ; they are associated with the domain of the domestic ;
16 The 1830s was not only the most successful decade abolitionists in England experienced in their history but also the period in which the fluctuating interaction of agitation in the country with manoeuvre by and within the political class was most nearly resolved into parliamentary and administrative activity as a direct expression of mobilised grass-roots attitudes .
17 The above reflections attempt to cover some of the ways in which values are made explicit at planning enquiries and in the political forum .
18 Long-standing traditions and alliances in the Labour movement , in the Tory establishment and in the political centre have already undergone profound changes , and that process is not at an end .
19 But theory is implicit in the academic activities of research and writing and in the political acts of legislating and judging .
20 This meant individual and private as well as state and municipal ownership ; and in the political sphere it meant ‘ genuine popular rule — rule of the people by the people themselves ’ .
21 The hygienics of Newman and his colleagues was highly differentiated from the early social medicine of Kay and Southwood Smith — in the organization of their discourse , their forms of social regulation and in the political and institutional conditions through which they were produced .
22 The sudden apparition of the avenging , victorious ayatollah not only astounded the West , it also gave an immense , immediate surge of pride in their culture and in the political power of the religion to other Muslims .
23 The 28th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) , anticipated as a watershed in party history and in the political transformation of the country , was held between July 2 and 13 .
24 Different patterns of public expenditure reflect the state 's role in the restructuring of private capital at a time of economic recession , and in the political crises which the recession and new directions of state intervention bring about .
25 It was therefore important for him to be well informed about events in his own country and in the political world generally ; and ambassadors sometimes asked in their despatches for news which they could trade with their colleagues from other states since , as one of them told the French foreign minister in 1674 , " You know that in [ diplomacy ] as in other ordinary transactions it is necessary to give in order to receive " .
26 He drew attention to the difference between exchanges in the market and in the political sphere .
27 There are nevertheless significant differences in the patterns of industrial action in the two companies , reflecting differences in the legal framework in Britain and Spain , and in the political context in which the two railways have operated .
28 Why , then , is Vietnam eager to leave , ahead of its previous promised date of December 1990 and without the political settlement it had long demanded ?
29 Thus Evans-Pritchard 's work on the magic and religion of the Azande , and on the political systems of the Nuer , and Malinowski 's investigations among the Trobriand islanders established a new style and standard for this kind of academic scholarship .
30 The Treasury prepared a response which concentrated on the difficulty of translating economic theory into practice , and on the political implications of the economists ' suggestions .
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