Example sentences of "and [prep] relation to " in BNC.

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1 In the early modern period also the individual was seen as constituted by and in relation to — even the effect of — a pre-existing order .
2 Of course , and again , the differences are considerable ; after all , the unconscious , that which in psychoanalysis undermines conscious autonomy , and in relation to which Lacan rewrites the cogito , is a modern discovery .
3 Further , rather than seeking such a sensibility in an ‘ inner condition ’ , we might more usefully identify it outwardly and in relation to other strategies of survival and subversion , especially the masquerade of femininity , and the mimicry of the colonial subject .
4 Was he really so unaware of those difficulties experienced by the person of colour in white European culture — difficulties of which Frantz Fanon was to write so compellingly fifty years later in Black Skin , White Masks , and in relation to France specifically ?
5 Compartmentation of the interior means that the building is experienced in a new way — details which were once distant ( and which may have been executed in the knowledge that they would not be viewed at close hand ) are seen in ‘ close-up ’ for the first time and in relation to much smaller and more intimate spaces ( Plate 20 ) .
6 We all have to interpret our fluctuating fortunes in the light of deeper states of mind and in relation to profound and sometimes shifting beliefs .
7 He emphasised the importance of strengthening the habit of co-operation and that this could be extended to cover security policy matters such as arms control and the CSCE and in relation to arms exports .
8 The Orders refer to the ATs and PS numerically and in relation to key stages , and stipulate commencement dates .
9 A direction in relation to ( 1 ) is a ‘ general direction ’ and in relation to ( 2 ) a ‘ special direction ’ .
10 While politics is discussed within the cultural space of the journals , there is no discussion of the politics of culture itself or the political questions raised by the form as well as , and in relation to , its content .
11 But these values were much influenced by the changes in the value of the dollar , both in relation to other currencies and in relation to world prices .
12 From all this information the team drew up a matrix of crafts , materials and local resources , analysed technologies applied locally and attempted to order skills development in level of difficulty and in relation to social custom as a preliminary to curriculum design .
13 Bukharin 's work The Economics of the Transition Period has a special place in his writings and in relation to the period in which it was written .
14 And in relation to the greenhouse effect , FoE has calculated that by using energy-efficient fridges , freezers , domestic lighting and washing machines , the annual UK emission of carbon dioxide would be cut by 17.5 million tonnes .
15 And it is men and women in relation to each other , and in relation to nature , that really captures the imagination of these drawing-room philosophers .
16 High levels of direct racial discrimination in employment have been repeatedly demonstrated by national and local studies , both at the level of initial recruitment and in relation to promotion .
17 Such ideals were grandiose both in their conception and in relation to the practicalities of post-war reconstruction .
18 It is only within and in relation to this ‘ structure ’ that institutions have functions to fulfil .
19 [ History ] is not rigorous because it always proceeds by faults and corrections , because it is not in any way a universal schema but a unique adventure that unfolds on the basis of prehistoric circumstances which constitute in themselves , and in relation to all the objectives and all the practices , a heavy and badly understood legacy of fundamental deviations .
20 This technology is , in fact , ideologically charged ; any version of literacy practice has been constructed out of specific social conditions and in relation to specific political and economic structures , as I hope to demonstrate below .
21 Jack 's inexorable , slow jokes ( one about weevils crops up several times ) and Stephen 's reaction to them help to build up personalities which exist both independently and in relation to one another .
22 The following four chapters ( Ch. 7–10 ) look at aspects of the delineation of the field of sexuality : in relation to debates over population , in its construction as an area of specialised knowledge , and in relation to organisations and movements that challenged the sexual status quo in the nineteenth century and first third of the present century .
23 The development of North Shields was clearly in the interests of the ducal estate , both in terms of gains made in North Shields , and in relation to way leave payments for coal travelling to North Shields by rail for shipment .
24 AIthough there are common concerns shared by the two theories , and indeed attempts to draw on both of them , there are also differences in terms of , for instance , the way in which they characterize society , or the part of it they are dealing with , the degree to which they focus on production and technology , whether their focus is on sectors or wider processes , and in relation to evidence ( both in terms of whether their balance is towards description or explanation and in terms of their interpretation of evidence ) .
25 The arts , as noted above , can be viewed both in terms of properties of the art-objects and in relation to the stance of being .
26 To conclude , in order to examine an area which is rarely focused upon in itself , it has been necessary in this chapter artificially to abstract the object , considering it in rather universalistic terms , and in relation to a perhaps overdrawn dichotomy with language .
27 Its basis followed on from the Plowden Committee 's recommendation ( Cmnd. 1432 , 1961 ) that : ‘ Regular surveys should be made of public expenditure as a whole , over a period of years ahead , and in relation to prospective resources ; decisions involving substantial future expenditure should be taken in light of these surveys . ’
28 Thirdly , however , the focus on ethnicity as part of the discourse of cultural pluralism and diversity pays scant attention to the highly complex , contextually variable and economically and politically influenced drawing and redrawing of boundaries that takes place in encounters within the minority communities and in relation to white groups .
29 Lord President Clyde rejected both grounds and in relation to the first observed that no authority of any kind had been cited to justify it and that Attorney General v. Wilts United Dairies Ltd. , 37 T.L.R. 884 was not in point .
30 ( 11 ) A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part and the notice shall state that that right exists and the time within which it may be exercised ; and — ( a ) a notice under paragraph ( 9 ) above shall state the reasons why it appears to the board to be desirable for the protection of investors for them to exercise their powers in the manner and in relation to the member in question ; and ( b ) a notice under paragraph ( 10 ) above shall state why the notice under paragraph ( 9 ) is being rescinded or varied .
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