Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] road " in BNC.

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1 We had covered large distances both on-road and off the road , totally independent of public transport .
2 ‘ Electronically controlled gas springs bring benefits both on and off the road
3 Angling his rig onto the verge , Rocky dragged the mangled gates clear of the entrance and off the road surface .
4 He arrived at a town surrounded by icebergs and with no road out .
5 Every lunchtime she watched her three male partners in Exeter-based accountancy firm Honey Perriam disappear out of the door and up the road to the local snooker club , while she sat at her desk , nibbling her sandwich .
6 Before Mrs Carroll could stop her Benny had galloped out of the shop and up the road towards the convent .
7 I remembered getting out of my seat , putting on my jacket , wondering about trying to get something to eat , deciding I did n't feel hungry , glancing at the empty luggage rack , and then heading through the station and up the road .
8 After giving his small escort strict instructions , Corbett , accompanied by Ranulf and Maltote , left by the Galilee Gate and thundered along the track , through the silent village and up the road to Woodstock .
9 They do it in and up the road in Peterborough they 've got about thirty eight community centre and the labour run council there is handing every one , every one of them over to the local communities .
10 Mark and up the road , .
11 With that remark I took my leave and made my way through the orchard and onto the road leading to Brigade H.Q That evening as I lay in my trench I thought about the events of the first seven days in Normandy .
12 The track — optimistically marked on the map as Daleside Road — edged through a final gate and onto the road .
13 Digital Equipment Corp 's big-name appointment to head its sales and marketing organisation turns out to be Ed Lucente — nicknamed Neutron Eddie at IBM Corp after he was given the job of pushing administrative staff out of their offices and onto the road as sales and support personnel , so that the people were gone but the buildings still standing .
14 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
15 Yesterday evening I went through the village and along the road leading to the village that had been attacked on the evening of the 12th June .
16 The village was quiet with only a couple of old men sitting on a bench outside the church as we drove through the gates of the big house and along the road through the village , passing the Chateau where the Commando dead had been placed on the front lawn shortly after we had entered the village , and during the bitter fighting of the first ten days .
17 Then he hurried back through the wood , down the field and along the road past the stream .
18 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
19 As the robber ran into and along the road , I followed at a distance of about 10 yards , keeping to the pavement so that the line of parked cars stood between us .
20 Follow the forest paths around to the left to posts 45 and 44 then back to post 43 and along the road back to the visitor centre .
21 But as they continued down the hill to Dingle and along the road that curved round the harbour to Ballingolin , she was even more bewildered to hear him reciting family history to her — history she had taken in with her mother 's milk and knew by heart .
22 He drove out of Grantley and along the road that led to the village of Woodham .
23 He ran out of the inn and along the road .
24 We ran from the inn and along the road to the village .
25 They went on with this banter as they drove down the hill and along the road to the beach .
26 Then the landing window fell out in a rain of sparks and blackened timber and from the road came the terrifying , metallic clamour of the fire-engine bell .
27 In front gardens , lawns are paved over for off-street parking space and in the road more intrusion results from signs , barriers and other traffic-related street furniture .
28 She said : ‘ I heard a bang and the next thing I knew , Michael was out of the pram and in the road .
29 Having answered Clue 2 you should be in the ‘ Middle ’ of the village and on the road to your next destination .
30 So I got about twenty records , ten packets of tea , Tropic of Cancer and On the Road , and the plays of Tennessee Williams , and off I went to live with Eva .
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