Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] whole " in BNC.

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1 In my own turfs we are quarrelling among ourselves with intense energy about whether women can be ordained priests , about who is more Catholic than their neighbour and about a whole host of internal issues , because we apparently have neither the grace nor the guts to face up to the real issues which are the business of the Church in the current world .
2 Joy retold how the problem of how the mobile coffin in transit was resolved , and Alan spoke movingly about his feelings for Nigel and about the whole concept of a DIY funeral .
3 Catholic Education is not simply about preparing young people for the job market — it is about enabling them to become fully human , it is about learning to make moral judgements and about the whole process of Christian formation .
4 ( i ) As a central aim , which shall be dominant over the aims of any single specialist subject , we wish to produce young people who will have a ready inclination to use books and other resources throughout life , not merely during their school years , and for a whole range of purposes : pleasure , information , self-motivated study , continuing education and sheer interest in life .
5 However , we recognise that the countryside is also a place for conservation , for bird lovers , for agriculture and for a whole range of people .
6 IBM , which had revenues of $60bn and profits of $6bn last year , shook Wall Street last week by warning that earnings forecasts for the third quarter and for the whole year would fall significantly below expectations .
7 Looking at the sweep of the whole narrative from Genesis 1 outwards , we can say that God has made laughter for himself also , and for the whole world .
8 Japanese Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe said a revitalised American economy was important for Japan and for the whole world .
9 A friend said : ‘ Sly 's worried for his houses and for the whole island .
10 Four words , of one syllable each , are words which contain salvation for this country and for the whole world , and they are faith , hope , love and work .
11 During that term , the deputy head was pushing the committee to expand this work in the direction of his vision of study skills across the curriculum and for the whole age range .
12 A policy of raising the wages of the lowest paid , first on an industry basis , and then over the whole country , for this approach to be part of an overall investment and training programme , and for the whole strategy to appear as part of an election manifesto , would provide consumers with the chance of turning a moral decision into an economic reality .
13 There were 186 non-responders , giving a response rate for ACFA members of 82% , and for the whole British population with cystic fibrosis of 56% ( table I ) .
14 It is possible for a series of nick points to migrate up a stream and for the whole series to coalesce when they are held up by a resistant bed .
15 Denoting the intrinsic energy change by — U we have the equation and for the whole body Now the rate at which work is done by the external forces is The second integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to Now is we assume infinitesimal strains we may write and the second term vanishes in the summations .
16 And the Cid followed them to Atienza , and to Ciguenza , and Fita , and Guadalajara , and through the whole land of St. Esteban , as far as Toledo , slaying and burning , and plundering and destroying , and laying hands on all whom he found , so that he brought back seven thousand prisoners , men and women ; and he and all his people returned rich and with great honour .
17 Eduardo Paolozzi 's colourful complexities of grid and cog , which run riotously beyond the platforms and through the whole station at Tottenham Court Road , mirror the buzzing electronics and music shops at road level .
18 I once walked , or rather limped , the thirteen miles of tarmac , plagued by a protruding nail in the sole of my shoe which was digging a small crater in my heel , and during the whole journey not a single vehicle passed me .
19 And towards the whole paraphernalia of the heavens
20 Which is a great pity , because if one cuts out all the Freudian claptrap , Abse has produced a brilliant character analysis of the Prime Minister , and of the whole Thatcher phenomenon , which succeeded in scaring the wits out of me .
21 Is it possible — and if so is it desirable — that the institutional , professional control of the curriculum and of the whole teaching context should be shared with the participants ?
22 Accordingly , following the view of the majority in Ward v. Byham and of the whole court in Williams v. Williams and that of the Privy Council in Pao On v. Lau Yiu the present state of the law on this subject can be expressed in the following proposition :
23 Mary of Guise had infinitely more ability and determination , but for the first twelve years of the minority she had no official role in government , and throughout the whole period her main interest lay in achieving a French marriage for her daughter , even if that meant doing little about the existence of Protestantism .
24 Mr Pitt had better cheer up soon or his career will sink without trace , and throughout the whole film you can see the joins .
25 ‘ I have sinned most grievously before Heaven and against the whole realm of England ’ , he wrote .
26 Broad tracts of woodland and common wastes along the ridge attracted squatters irresistibly , and with the whole Weald teeming with people many obscure forest dwellers might easily have contrived to elude the taxman altogether .
27 And with the whole child care side of things as well , it is frightening !
28 11 So , competition , and not polarised conflict , is the name of the political game , and that competition is kept moderate and restrained because of the implications that flow from cross-cutting ties between groups ; from the existence of potential groups on the sidelines of activity ; from the rules of the political game ; from the role of the state ; and from the whole context of pluralist politics .
29 The two ways of working ( in small groups and in a whole class group ) should never be seen as mutually exclusive .
30 The rough emergency airfield was crowded with several hundred people , mainly women and children , and in the whole day only two planes came in , dropped some cases of food , took on wounded and as many women and children as they could pack in , and were quickly off again .
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