Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 Avoid switching the machine on and off many times during the day .
2 ‘ We recommend that users turn the tap on and off three times to give full rinsing , ’ he says .
3 This is one that 's been , I 've had appointment and for three times I 'd had to cancel it .
4 Do you often feel stressed and overstretched in life , and during these times feel that you tend to eat more , particularly the foods of the fattening variety ?
5 One option for Aldergrove would be a management-employee buy-out , and despite troubled times in the aviation industry , the Government is confident of a high level of interest .
6 As stated above , the goal of the TEI encoding scheme is no less than hardware- , software- , and application-independent support for the encoding of all kinds of text in all languages and of all times .
7 The museum commemorates the events of that day , and of those times , with displays of arms , armour and period costume , together with dioramas and maps of the Battle .
8 It stands at a point where firm ground lies close to the river Derwent , and from olden times has been the site of an important river crossing , first by ferry , later by bridge .
9 The Roman empire was no welfare state , and before Christian times in the West ( unlike the East ) care for the poor was rare .
10 ‘ in a street ( or public place ) ’ This point is proved by naming the street and in nine times out of ten will cause no problems .
11 The most simple and straightforward situation is where land is already registered , and in nine times out of ten , a simple pro forma transfer deed can be used to effect the transfer of the interest , whether it be freehold or leasehold .
12 His disciplinary record was appalling and in modern times only Willie Johnson of Rangers and Billy Bremner of Leeds come remotely close to seizing his crown .
13 In history and in modern times , any sporting pursuit which seriously engages blacks is sure to see them become the leaders in the field .
14 The courts have recognised that , whilst contracts in the first category , even though on standard terms , may be unobjectionable , very different criteria apply to those in the second category , and in modern times the courts have generally been vigilant to prevent the abuse of contracts of adhesion by parties with stronger market power , especially in the context of " consumer " dealings .
15 The cave has long been known ; one inscription bears the date 1655 , and in Victorian times it was a showplace , a charge for admission being payable at Braida Garth farm down the valley .
16 Historic Carmarthen holds a special place in Welsh history and in Roman times was one of only two fortress towns in the Principality .
17 It therefore adjoins Ursa Major , and in ancient times Thuban or Alpha Draconis used to be the north polar star .
18 The jet industry based on north-east Yorkshire and in historical times focussed on Whitby was active from late Neolithic to Victorian times , a span of over four thousand years .
19 In good times and in tough times ?
20 The Chinese , who used ivory for elaborately carved handles and vessels as early as the Shang dynasty and in later times used it for a wide variety of personal items such as brush pots , wrist-rests , boxes , seals , snuff boxes and fans , had increasingly to import the material as the elephant herds in the southern provinces diminished .
21 Indeed , early exchange activities could not have done , since towns did not exist before late prehistoric times , and in later times periodic markets and fairs provided many of the opportunities for trade .
22 During the Renaissance and in later times the Pantheon has aroused the admiration of artists of all nations .
23 At the west end is the narthex and in later times a campanile has been added .
24 These factories , which produced a range of goods from shoes to armour , brought in a regular profit for their owners , but the reliance on slave labour had disadvantages from the owners ' point of view ; the market for industrial goods was uncertain , and in slack times , when it was difficult to sell the products from the workshop , slaves still had to be fed and housed , even though their labour brought no immediate return for the owner .
25 I myself was lucky enough last week to see a fine sample of the Lesser Twayblade and another of the Small White Orchid , rare occurrences as far south as this and in these times .
26 For the first time this season , though , Rangers have gone two successive domestic matches without winning and in these times at Ibrox that is as close as it gets to a crisis .
27 One of these tunnels , which seemed awesomely long , black and terrifying , was , with gumption and at such times as the brook was not in full spate , explorable .
28 The narrator often uses Lok ( the least intellectually acute of the people ) as focaliser , and at such times the narrative is conducted in terms appropriate to the character .
29 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
30 Her sheer emotional and physical energy nevertheless took its physical toll , and at various times in her life she abused alcohol and drugs as well as notching up a significant number of car accidents of varying degrees of seriousness .
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