Example sentences of "and [noun pl] looking for " in BNC.

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1 He was like a man who has made one step forward into unknown territory and stands looking for a path .
2 They have yet to establish a track record of resale value , and buyers looking for sound investments may prefer to play safe and buy equivalent Persian or Anatolian rugs .
3 He job will be to give the Pavillion a higher profile among local companies and organisations looking for conferences and events .
4 Ian Harper reports on how the latest fiasco in designing systems to facilitate the Stock Exchange has left fund managers and brokers looking for yet another solution to their needs .
5 Families who wished to emigrate and girls looking for domestic jobs were referred to two societies affiliated to the COS , the East End Emigration Society and the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants .
6 DLT is a safe and powerful tool that will save you hours searching through files and directories looking for those unwanted files to delete .
7 ONCE UPON a time The Face was the style bible not of gits in fake fur-trimmed parkas and yups looking for new big ties , but of crazy over-made-up early '80s youth , for whom mum 's old curtains and too much eye-liner signified SEX and REVOLUTION .
8 Although crowded with prospectors and pan-handlers looking for gold when that English bank-clerk , Robert W. Service , was writing his ‘ Songs of a Sourdough ’ and ‘ The Cremation of Dan McGrew ’ , Whitehorse and Dawson City were now drowsing away the years as forgotten towns .
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