Example sentences of "and [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would depend both on his precise mental state , whether he was capable of lucid moments at the particular time , and the particular treatment involved ; for instance , refusal of therapeutic drugs prescribed to control dangerous behaviour would not be regarded in the same light as refusal to have a tooth extracted .
2 These diverse influences have received unequal attention from social scientists , and the particular significance accorded to any one of them has varied .
3 The Garden 's main objective , set out in the Natural Heritage ( Scotland ) Act of 1985 , is to carry out research in plant sciences , and the particular branch which Edinburgh specialises in is plant taxonomy — the classification of plants .
4 Despite this , there were significant differences , reflecting the PSOE 's social base of support as a party of the left , and the particular dynamic of the transition to democracy .
5 A good formula will depend on the area on disk available and the particular spread of keys .
6 So far today they have been studying how orders for an operation are given and the particular way in which the Army goes about explaining a complex undertaking .
7 In either case , the cost of individual negotiation may be justified in light of the value of the anticipated trading between the business and the particular customer ; moreover , individual negotiation is likely to offer commercial advantages by promoting a harmonious relationship between business and customer and , in the event of any dispute arising , the terms of the contract are more likley to withstand judicial scrutiny , both at common law and under the UCTA 1977 .
8 He recognized the tone of her voice and the particular expression on her face .
9 The public silence was broken early in 1987 by Marxism Today , who can seldom resist a bandwagon , even if they often fall under the wheels in the process ; and the particular bandwagon they joined on this occasion was the one about what the Tories had labelled ‘ Loony Left ’ councils .
10 And the particular incident that has aroused his fearsome wrath is the departure from Granada Television of Mr David Plowright , a man who knows about TV programmes , at the behest of Mr Gerry Robinson , a man who knows about balance sheets .
11 ( 1986 ) , and the particular case of London manufacturing in Buck et al.
12 The aims and objectives of the curriculum and the particular assignment — the specific areas the pupils are expected to explore , the scope for individual research and the expected outcome of the task — will largely determine the depth of keyword indexing as well as coverage of the database .
13 Anyone who deals with Ottoman institutions will know how perilous is the task of trying to define terms , since a number are possessed of multiple significations , often changing over a period of time , and the particular sense intended in any given case is not always clear from the context : will serve as one example , another , and , in the learned profession , which has the limited sense of a student at the Sahn and the wider sense of any student in " higher " education , that is , at a 20-akce medrese or above .
14 Because of this , political ideas in class societies , ideas such as the sovereignty of the State and the particular idea of justice embodied in law , are all manifestations of the imposition of the consciousness of the dominant class , because they facilitate and hide class exploitation .
15 Hume and Kant ( 1724–1804 ) are two towering giants of philosophy and our brief indications of their positions on morality — which must tear them from their systems as a whole — may irritate the knowledgeable , but with the space at my disposal and the particular purpose of supplying background to Part Two of this work , the only alternative was to ignore them altogether .
16 The nature of the work dictated the shape of the family and the particular ethos of this riverside community .
17 They argue that Griffiths is undeniably a solid scrummager on the loose-head and they acknowledge that , largely depending on the nature of the game in question and the particular opposition , there are still plenty of matches where that can prove to be invaluable .
18 Find out if there is anyone in the firm you are buying from with training in the maintenance of the particular system , and the particular version of it , that you are considering .
19 It can be very helpful for the pupil with marked problems in seeing to have an opportunity to explore the school buildings and the particular class or specialist rooms as the library , gymnasium and science laboratories at a quiet time in order to gain an impression of their layout .
20 Because drill bit performance is highly influential in overall well cost , BPX Colombia 's well operations team is engaged in the study of various bits , their durability , and the particular drilling challenges in the formations of the Llanos foothills .
21 There are a continuous set of possibilities in between , and the particular design chosen is a matter of judgement .
22 Edgar Adrian , in Cambridge , subsequently demonstrated the importance of the visual cortex at the back of the brain in generating alpha waves and the particular effectiveness of visual stimuli in blocking them .
23 As we saw in Chapter 1 , there are unresolved conflicts between Beccaria 's fundamental assumptions about the nature of human beings , the social contract and the functions of punishment , on the one hand , and the particular mode of control that he derives from them , on the other .
24 There is not enough information available to allow a unique solution to be found , and the particular solution adopted will depend on the various assumptions made in the course of the analysis , as well as on the observed frequencies .
25 For a linear driven oscillator , these responses correspond to the complementary function ( here a growing exponential because of the gain ) and the particular solution , respectively .
26 ‘ It is the GP who recommends the patient to the consultant and the particular department to attend .
27 The reason lay in the large economic changes that were affecting the world economy , the government 's own responses and the particular nature of the new machinery of control .
28 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
29 His daughter fed him on tins of baby food , which again confirmed for me the sour joke of existence and the particular contemptibility of this old man .
30 We shall adopt a small arrow as our notation for assignment in this sense , so that ( 31 ) ( excluding irrelevant details like number , and the particular tense employed ) may be represented as ( 35 ) , where we again abbreviate by passing directly from the word forms to the intensional pattern : We may note , by the way , that the copular verb to be is the direct formal representation of the relation of assignment ; this has to be expressed overtly in English ( as well as being indicated by the order of noun and adjective ) , although in many other languages , e.g. Russian and Arabic , no overt exponent is required .
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